Overheard in Chingu (last week’s accomplishments remix!)

Chance McAllister
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2018

Accomplishments from teams in Chingu’s Voyage-4 Build-to-Learn cohort! 👇

We had a big issue with our project, as we could not do the project we initially planned on doing (limitations of API). We had an emergency-meeting, and found a new use for the API after like 30 minutes. Team is awesome!

I did the ux layout of my portfolio and send a lot of CV for junior positions

I successfully implemented passport authentication in our application

We have successfully finished our first sprint, and things have started to come together nicely, now that we are coding. We are planning another video meeting for tomorrow.

Had a great meeting to walk-through and discuss our code

completed our HTML and CSS sprints

frontend mvp almost complete

Finished the weather API functionality

I added screenshots to the stories to make coding easier. I added another story.

Completed several tasks

The front end view and basic CRUD API are finished and ready to be integrated!

Besides that we are in a very good spot with our app, I got a job as a React junior developer and I can tell that being here, learning a lot about team development helped me a lot, Thank you all!!!

Created Homepage With react and finished backend structural design

Worked with Github

Kevin took the time this weekend to help me get unstuck on a github issue

Added styling. Close to MVP.

Our latest features got merged (I believe one each by each member?)

Everyone is progressing as planed with their learning for the sprints ahead — we’ve got a skeleton of our frontend built and will finalise initial design of the missing pages this week.

Actually coded and have a presentable weg Page

completed our sprints!

completed dashboard (reviewing the design)

Vera and I figured out the weather API and a ricking clock component

Worked wih Github and created a navbar with CSS plus a logo

React pair programming. The past week we set up many React components, have re-styled our UI mobile first and added some Sass variables, and also set up our server and some basic routes to be connected to the client side next week.

We completed our sprint and created the foundation for our landing page.

base API finished and tested on Heroku

I have completed the front page’s UI, we have the login/registration form working.

Finished the “M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers” course at MongoDB University

I got a job as IT communication officer in the largest humanitarian agency in the world :)

Divided tasks, started our first sprint

we’re working through it

I believe we can officially complete our first sprint, and plan the next one at our meeting tonight. We had a slow start, but regrouped and now we can do a better job planning sprints we can complete in a week. It’s coming together.

Added one API call , almost finished the second API call. Learned some more react

Learned about git ,node

Finished the main part of a big task within the project

I’ve been making “screen casts” for our team to help with git, and other topics.

Successfully merged 3 working branches into develop

I’ve build barebones React structure and working towards templates.

I built out the front and back end of a blog/news section

still on schedule ^^

Andres got a job as a react developer, that’s super exciting to hear!

Finally, FINALLY made progress towards making chained http requests from the front end to the back end using axios. @ziggusauce helped!

finished my first ever API prototype

Pushed UI for a main feature

completed sprint 1. Yeee

We successfully connected the front end to the back end. I learned how to implement asynchronous requests in React

Our team completed the initial design phase last week and started our first development sprint.

Learned Passport! :D

We got the backend set up to allow users to register/login, added a searchbar, reorganized React components, explored the idea of adding new APIs

We basically completed Sprint 1, even though we had to move some tasks to Sprint 2

I feel like we’ve been a bit ahead of the progress curve, so I think we’re doing well for the April 20th completion date

Andres got a job as a junior React developer

completed our sprints

We know our roles and we have all been assigned a task.



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: chingu.io