Overheard in Chingu — Revving up remote collaboration!

Random lines taken out of context from the Chingu coding cohorts!

Chance McAllister
5 min readJun 18, 2018


Photo by Maxime Bhm on Unsplash

I have been invited to give a talk on open source at a community event.

completed our sprint! + our team lead taught me abit about GraphQL

I’m learning React

I got to deploy a project to production! I’m especially proud of this because I got to do everything, from the design, to the implementation, building a test suite, setting up a CI/CD tool with test, staging and production branches and automated deployment, to deployment etc… It’s been a thrilling ride!

learnt nativescript , improved myself in Vuejs ,and used firebase

Worked through the pain of dealing with Phaser lol

I used the js object constructor and import/export successfully for the first time! Those 2 make the code way more orginised and cleaner by enable js code to be broken up logically and into multiple files.

We finished our project setup

Everyone seem involved and on track to complete the app.

Learned more about GitHub

Progressing well ahead of schedule, page is coming along nicely and we are making plans for what to do after we hit our MVP

Two of us had interviews. Waiting on the outcome

I taught myself react-native last week! I’m sure there is still a lot to learn but I’m good enough to figure it out on my own now. I also learned how to set up a multi-step form where the inputs stack over each other rather than showing below each other.

Managed to get the page I am working on up and running, now to finish it.

She is great and creates great UI

Kept the checkin up and going as the team lead fell asleep

I write this article about queue data structure https://medium.com/@mohamedkhaledyousef/queues-613517f11161

Adjusted to team lead loss, kept communicating

Had a pair programming with @masterweed, and I believe I was able to help him understand the importance of git and how to work with it better. We used his project as example, altering code, pushing and pulling from github. Hope he keep the hard work and learn more.

how much the code has improved for this particularly gnarly react component

Finished my second to last project of my Google Scholarship program, one more to go! =D

@marianoheller pair programmed with me via slack to explain how he set up some of the front end and back end. We also collaborated on creating the Act 2 /2.5 tickets.

Going through Tyler McGinnis’s Free React bootcamp!

Pushed code to master on my first day at work!

Not exactly an achievement but I found a new connection from within the group through a meetup. We’re meeting next wk again for a local hackathon

I am proud of my team. We are working hard and are commited

Scheduled a meeting

scheduled a meeting

scheduled our weekly meetings!!!

Held 1st meeting; set up Trello board

Got to know the team, got settled into slack and sorted out some of the prep work

decided on a project

Rough plan of the project already, in the readme on our team GitHub(toucan-02). We’ve all just been super excited about this idea so hopefully we keep up the hype going forward! :) Also working on a website for a friend of mine, so that’s been challenging.

We had 2 meetings this week and 1 more planned for tommorow and we are almost done with Act 1.

skyped with my teammate and had great connections, pinpointed what we might get stuck with early on and will work to overcome those hurdles as early as possible in the voyage

Well, we had a live video conference and made plans to go ahrwd real fast. Just today.

I created a Node server on screencast to help my teammates improve their skills

We scheduled a meeting on slack itself after discussing the ‘free window’ for everyone. Looking forward to use other tools next time.

scheduled a meeting

had a successful video call and a pair session to help install Git

A team-mate is two weeks pregnant. We’re excited for her!

I had a pair-programming with Roger

I got to 100 Kata on codewars!

So far we are half way through act one in terms of tasks listed.

We agreed on a super great project, and we scheduled a meeting

Had 1hr video call to meet each other, written a team charter, come up with a project idea.

We had our first meeting and we will be having a second one soon

How to Video sharing

scheduled two meetings, proposed three ideas for the project.

scheduled meeting and have a trello board

Got to know my team mates

scheduling our first meting

Had a Hangouts session

Scheduled a meeting, set up communication through discord, and set up a waffle board for project workflow.

On track to finish Act 1 Early.

I finished the first part of GoogleAfricaChallenge on Udacity. But the main achievement is that I’m not shy anymore to communicates with my classmates there and I was even helpful a few times (helped with code or concept, suggested other learning resources).

To help push my team forward

Finished intro

we have good communication

Initiated our first google hangout!

Working on a task

We get to know each other of team and share experience and education

We have voice chatted twice and regular text chat through discord. We have made lots of progress talking about our project

Everything is progressing smoothly on Act 1

We decided what project we will make

I finished a tough algorithm challenge for a Job posting on qualified.io

We brainstormed ideas!

We had a group remote meeting yesterday evening to introduce ourselves face-to-face (so to speak)

Scheduled a meeting, decided on project, made Trello

We were able to do our first meeting over google hangout which helped us to forge a common front for our next steps in deciding on what project to do.

setting up a trello board, adding meekan_scheduling app

We did a meeting and everyone was there on time, finished the first 2 tasks in Act 1 and re-scheduled another meeting to continue with the following tasks.

We got two charities interested and wanting to know more about what we can do for them

Had nice first meeting

one meeting done, given research tasks, scheduled another meeting

able to talk to every one on google hangouts

Learned Vue.JS

We are close to finalizing on the project Idea

We clarified the direction of our product

We all talked. We scheduled and had our first meeting, we almost even had our idea solidified.

We finalised an Idea!

Moved quickly through ideas and had project setup on github immediately as well as a coordinated work flow defined right away.

Had meetings several times and working on development environment



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: chingu.io