Overheard in Chingu — Team Progress & Random

Random lines taken out of context from the Chingu coding cohorts!

Chance McAllister
4 min readJun 10, 2018


Photo by Shubham Sharma on Unsplash

@Ziggysauce got a job!

I finally had the ‘click’ moment with React, where it started to make sense.

Thank you all. This is my 1st time. And I m super excited to join.

about the project, we completed all project requirements \o/

cleaned up a particularly messy react component that I wrote last voyage. the

new one is so much better!

Completed act 1

Hello Everyone! Nice to meet you guys! So excited to explore out!

hhhhhhhh helloooo guys wooow this is so excitiinng seeing you all guys so hyper ❤️

it’s typical of Chingus

We are just warming up 🔥

This is going my first voyage and it already looks pretty lit

Alohaaaa, Namastey and Welcome Aboard

New to Chingu but super excited to be part great it.

Completed Advanced CSS and SASS Udemy Course

Completed project planning, have initial user stories in place, stack chosen and everyone is contributing well! So far, excellent start! :-)

Decided on our project and researched ideas on implementation

enhanced my capstones front end design

Finally decided what to build

Got a job!

I finished Canvas course on Udacity and do the final project

I finished YDKJS first 3 books, and HTML CSS course from p1xt’s guide!

I fixed a Travis CI issue for our project

I got a job!

I made some UI objects for our game project, specifically a Timer and Level display

I started working on Algorithms from Leetcode after getting inspiration from fellow Chingus.

Hey everyone im from Dundee Scotland, and my background is coldfusion / react/ node

Hi everyone, i work from London, this is my second voyage, cant wait!

Hello, everyone! I’m from Austin, Texas. It feels great to be back in the cohort, and I can’t wait to get started on a project!

Hi everyone, happy to be here with you, I hope we can accomplish great things together ❤️

I was accepted to a web development bootcamp and got full scholarship
Im 70% done with my React Native course and will start the Advanced one right after. Feeling comfortable enough to contribute to our team project though.

mbrandon32 did a great job setting up our repo, waffle, and setting up team tasks. He’s done a great job as the team lead. I built out our layout via CSS

Grid and I think it gives us a great starting point.
merged Chingu wikis

My team won an award at ATX Hack for Change for building a site that links non-profits to people. Couldn’t connect our back-end to front but here’s our prototype: http://goodemporium.surge.sh/

Repo is built, Dev folders setup, page skeleton and plan made for sprints.
Started to learn React

This week was a little slower for us — we had a team member who lost power during a storm and I got sick during my prime project working hours (the weekend). However marianoheller and ziggysauce were both killing it with contributions so I really appreciated their hardwork and feel extra motivated / inspired to kick it up a notch!

Watched Frontend Masters on Vue

We created a low-fi wireframe of our project which made it easier to digest.

We created a wiki for our project and set up the basic front end and back end for the project

We did a skeleton proptyoe diagram

We got the base of the project set-up.

We had a formal meeting.

We had a great meeting

we had our first meeting!

We have meet our goals thus far and are trying to get better to complete the MVP and the final version by the announced dated.

We managed to get a clearer idea on the requirements of our project :)

I’m from Ukraine. Nice to meet you all!

yess!!!, finally a team

some party parrot madness ehehe. what a great introduction

So whats the most popular timezone around here?

Welcome everyone. There has been some rumour of a dragon cohort.

Thank you! I am super excited to participate in a collaborative project.

Get ready for a wild ride!

It would be funny if all guitarists would end up in one project to do something musical. 🎸

Hi all! Greetings from Bucharest!

Hello Everyone, I am Ronique the Jamaican Among you.

thanks for having me. I am excited!

Hi all! I’m Vildan, from Turkey, Istanbul

Hey everyone, happy to be here and excited to get started

Hi everyone, this is my first cohort. Very excited to get out of my comfort zone and build some great stuff! 🎉

Hi everyone!!! I’m from Mexico, living currently in Seattle 😃 I’m very excited to be part of Chingu

I’m from Nigeria and i program with Javascript and Python

Reading through the intros, a lot of readers! Is there a Chingu book club?

Wow, so many ppl from all over the world! 🌎

So much enthusiasm in here, loving it. Oh, and Hi everyone!



Chance McAllister

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: chingu.io