Overheard in Chingu Voyage-4!

Random lines taken out of context from the Chingu coding cohorts!

Chance McAllister
6 min readFeb 26, 2018


contemplating life and looking at the stars or clouds. both are my second favorite thing in the world after french fries

I GOT THROUGH TO THE REACT CHALLENGE STEP!! [after job interview] I’m currently at the casino with the Nana, but brought the computer just in case. Mom and nana said they’d make sure I had time to work. And then mom handed me $250 and said, go have fun!!!!

Daily log for 22/02/2018:
- I have made a repo and a guide for my team-mates to improve their GitHub experience.
- I’ve made a strawberry cheesecake, it’s bottom made of oreo’s. It was delicious and easy to do. Here’s the recipe:

I studied Blockchain development some more today :smile:

I’m so deep into writing the Style Guide for our team and can’t stop writing it… 😃I think we should do some “showcase” of style guides and repo’s documentation overall)))) 😂

I feel the Voyage has helped me become more familliar with git and GitHub. That was my first pull request that wasn’t from my own projects.

I like how Medium persuades you while feeding you honey.

Any Waffle.io pros that know if I can have 2 github repos connected

Allright… I’m Gonna say it! I love this community! :p i’m getting so Many resources and tips. Thank you all!

I studied some Spanish, and have been working through a few of Traversy Media’s tutorials. I’m going to continue working through YDKJS later

Just had a small talk with my company (where I am an intern), and they _basically_ (no contract, just words) promised me a job after my intern-period is over in June .. If I can trust them, then I will get my first front-end dev job in June :sunglasses:

Hey guys if you didnt know there is a #daily-log channel to log your everyday progress. 😃 come join us 😃

So cool to set tasks in Waffle and see them appear as issues on my Github (which I’m now updating via VS Code). Already learning so much through this community and program!


Hello, wonderful people. How can I know if an input is sanitized after I supposedly just sanitized it on the backend (Express)? I tried sending a `<script></script>` as user input, then when I console.log the sanitized input, it logs: `”<script></script>”`

My team has just been prompted to submit a standup in our team channel even though we’ve already done so this week. What’s up with that? 🤔

My child is sitting next to me going through every dragon they collected in a facebook game. I’m about to lose my mind. They are making me look at all of them. all. of. them.

Is there anyone here that uses Linux and has apache installed to run a localhost. Oh and is also using gulp and browsersync? I’m trying to figure out why my browsersync isn’t really working and changes to my css files are not being seen by Chrome. Edit: Nevermind on the css file changes being recognized by Chrome. That was a cache issue. Still can’t figure out why browsersync doesn’t work. Something to do with the proxy?

Your nana is my role model. I want to be a baller like her when I’ve reached her age 😎

Does anyone know how to set a PM on Wizard?

Hello everyone. It’s good to be back with my Chingu family

why it can’t be just “Hi I’m spring, here’s your stupid sun, flowers, birds, bees and other nonsense”. No, we always have some winter in spring.

Assembly (in all it’s flavors) are the closes you get to actually writing machine code. Let’s say that, it’s like a syntax sugar instead of manually writing binary code. Assembly is used to design compilers and high optimizations at lower level.

For a full-stack MERN application, how are you all setting up your dev environment? Is anyone using next.js or create-react-app?

we did the standups yesterday and the wizard aint happy

God Bless the 3rd shift Chingu Team!


He can’t be stopped! :laughing:

meeting 2 (workflow) done. feeling good.

First video meeting this evening completed successfully! 😃I can say I started possibly the longest thread in this Voyage!

Americans, answer me this — how the hell do you guys survive without learning to drive manual? It makes zero sense to me :neutral_face:

Having problems sleeping. Ugh. I’m too excited for my trip today maybe? Taking my nana to a casino for the weekend now that she can see again (cataract surgery was successful). She’s been begging to go, so my mom, aunt, cousin and I are taking her for a couple days “just the ladies”.

If Waffle creates Cards as an Issue on GitHub, we all write our User Stories into Issues?
Any example from other geckos, bear or toucans?

Hey everybody!

*Warning: Personal stuff is coming!*
*TL;DR: I have some goals for myself. What’s yours? Write in threads!*

We have moved to Melbourne with my wife just 4 months ago. We’ve started to a new life with a fresh start. These days are rough: we are trying to getting used to, I’m trying to change my career, my wife is looking for her career goal, we miss our family a lot… Along these struggles, I said to myself: _Hey man let’s change one or two things about you, too_ :smile: Because *WHY NOT?!*

I have some goals and decisions about myself for this year. I know this is a new year tradition and maybe a _cliché_, but here I am :smile: I just wanted to share with you, and ask about your goals/wishes. Personal or professional. Here’s mine:

1. Be _A_ *Coder*
- *Short Goal* : Land a job as *Web Developer*
- *Life-Time Goal*: Learn about AI (probably Python as a language) and found my own company in Amsterdam or in one of Scandinavian countries.
2. Be _More_ *Sportive*
— *Short Goal* : *Run 5K* every morning. I started to this, second day goal is reached already!
— *Mid-Term Goal*: Start to Calisthenics workout program. This is what I want to work: Power, muscle control and mobility. Inspired by this video: https://www.redbull.com/gb-en/real-life-iron-man-suit
3. Be _More_ *Consistent*
- If I try something, I’ll give it *4–6 weeks* (a new workout program, a new habit etc…)
- Start and finish challenges: I’ve started *#100DaysOfCode* and didn’t finished. Firstly, I start again and finish this time. I’m thinking to start *#JavaScript30*, too.
- Bed time, sleep duration and morning routine. I will try to follow a routine for these for *6 weeks*, and after I’ll evaluate and change the necessary things!
4. Doc Yourself
— *Diary*. Everyday. Mornings. *500 words* at least. I don’t want to forget what I’ve been through.
— Return to an old habbit: *Bullet Journaling*. Great way to organize yourself. If you don’t know take a look at it: http://bulletjournal.com/
I have used this method with my previous work, when I was managing two constructions and being a active member of a project team. It saved my day more than once!
5. Be _More_ *Romantic*
— Another _cliché_ :smile: But my biggest supporter in my life is *my wife*. I don’t think I wouldn’t be the same man, if she wasn’t there for me. So make more _special plans_ and be a _better cook_ for her! :poke-pika-wink: Yeah, I’m the one who *cooks!* :male-cook:

What is your goals/wishes from this year. *From yourself?*
Shoot me! :poke-pika-wink:



Chance McAllister

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: chingu.io