Overheard in Chingu (Voyage-4 launch edition!)

Random lines taken out of context from the Chingu coding cohorts!

Chance McAllister
Published in
9 min readFeb 12, 2018


Hello everyone. This is my first voyage and I am excited already!

I’m mostly just looking to continue growing as a developer.

This is going to be epic!

Greetings all 🙌 This is my first voyage and I’m quite looking forward to it. I’m hoping to learn a lot and also make a few friends. I have a *severe* lack of friends that program

I’m going out with the dog. When I come back I will uninstall and reinstall to see if that solves it for me!

Thank you so much for the invite. This is possibly the most excited I’ve been all year, aha

here your german word of the day: “Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz” (The law to improve the education on a federal level) have fun to pronounce it

Javascript fatigue intensifies

happy birthday to your mom!

Wow!! Awesome — Wizard just welcomed me lol

Here in Brazil there is a very known chef who has a restaurant devoted to empanadas

No quiero hablar de empanadas. Ahora tengo hambre xD

You know I once watched a video in which the woman shared tips on how to make what you want happen. And one tip I really liked was writing on a piece of paper 20 ways you can make what you want a reality. 20 on the dot. Not 5 or 6, not 10, not 15. 20. It’s a good brainstorming exercise and it really shows that there ARE ways you can do it for those times when it seems so impossible

ah, gotta love different timezones. Good morning to you! I’ll be heading to sleep

Hello everyone it’s great to be here

Hi guys.. yo.. have a great day

hahahaha! Unfortunately, some day I’ll have to get out of bed. My dog needs to go out for a walk!

Cool, thanks all, back to reading all the great intros

I HAVE to see what this GraphQL thing everybody’s talking about is sooner or later

Hey people, written my intro, just want to say HELLO to everyone! Hope you are having a great day/evening depending your timezone. Really excited!

I tried to sleep, but I couldn’t sleep. So I did the Leaderboard React project.

Anyone else stay at home full time with a toddler? When do you guys find time to code?

My dream would be to build a tiny house, park it on the beach, grow a little portable garden and live in relative peace. If I am not at home coding or spending time with my husband and kids, you’ll find me at the gym, yoga studio or helping care for my grandmother.

Hi everyone! I’m Inna. Great to be here.

Daaaaaamn @adeen-s! Your site looks amazing!!

Awesome! Get comfy with react and in couple of days we’ll start a mini side-project

I love green tea but coffee is still my poison of choice

mmmmmm…. coffee… now to code! so glad the espresso machine is working again 😃

This is my second voyage. I just finished voyage 3 with two awesome and talented teammates. It was so much fun andI learned so much that I couldnt miss this one!

Just made me some bacon and eggs to celebrate this finally up and going.

The dad side of the joke is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

I am a *JavaScript (React Native)* developer in an outsourcing company in Russia.

Just came back from an RxJS talk by Ward Bell. Holy crap, was it awesome. Top 3 JS events I’ve ever gone to

I failed many times. This fact is my weakest and strongest side.

i speak romanian and french makes is easy to understand italian and spanish :)

I’ve been very excited/nervous to join :)

Be excited not nervous. We are all here to learn, only together

Remember that asking questions is a great way to spread knowledge. We’re all in this together and if you have a question someone else probably has the same question, but hasn’t yet asked

hey man. idk if you remember me but you helped me back last may when i first joined chingu

Your skills are blowing up like crazy, dude

dude, you got a hacktober fest tee

Welcome everyone! It’s great to see old friends again and to have the opportunity to meet new friends.

I’m always fired up

I started learning Japanese…. today 🙌

This will be my second cohort I’m looking forward to collaborating with all you wonderful people. ❤️ 😃

I really enjoy Philosophy, Physics, Astronomy and ai & robotics So other than geeking out all the time.

So I made myself some coffee and set it on my desk. Walked away for 2 minutes and the cup was empty. Damn teenager just drank all my coffee!! :rick: This is war!

I’ve glimpsed #into-stories and there’re 100+ unreads :see_no_evil: so many people. What is the total population of this Voyage?

Other than coding, I also have a band and played as a Lead guitarist/Bass guitarist.

Although I have 13 yrs experience in software development, almost all of it is obsolete and/or completely outdated.

When I’m not working on programming I like to cook, sew, knit and play with my goofy dog Max. I also enjoy gardening and I’m slowly building an edible landscape around my house. Although I still buy groceries, I’m getting closer and closer to living off of what I produce.

I am from Azerbaijan, now living in Hungary.

I feel like we are always up late since we are on international teams. Gotta be one when the team is, you know?

I live in San Antonio, Texas. Military brat. Grew up all over the world. Wish I was still travelling. Never lived in a place longer than 3 yrs until I went to college

just tryna code all the things and drink all the coffee

I translate court documents (decisions etc) and if we have a case where someone doesn’t know the language, I interpret.

Born in Perù, lived in Italy and currently live in Marseille.

I want to build my team skills including get more comfortable with Git in a group-environment. I also want practical challenges for my current skill set.

Hello Everyone! I am Candogan (pronounce like John-doun, so call me John 😃 )

I love astronomy, meditation, walks in nature, movies, music, dogs, green tea, new tech, reading fiction, self-development and science books

I want to get out of my comfort zone more often (Angular & Ionic do a pretty good job at keeping me out of it), improve the current knowledge I have mostly through developing good habits (both of learning, and of mind and body — gotta keep it all in balance somehow for me to work properly)

Goals: Obliterating p1xt at her own speedstudy challenge, become a better developer, see the amazon rain forest, skydive, take cool pictures in cool places.

I applied to Chingu, cause someone shared this with me, and I thought it would be a great way to meet new people, improve my code skills, cause I’m still a beginner, and I have a huge path in my way. I want to learn more and more, but alone it’s no fun at all, and as well improve my English.

I’m from Manchester, United Kingdom. By day — I’m a Music Teacher & Sound/Lighting Engineer — by night, an aspiring web developer looking to expand my skills and change careers.

I love being a dad/husband, playing sports (volleyball, soccer, baseball, and basketball), coding, video games or anything nerdy/geeky.

I’m excited to join my first cohort! I’m a wife and mom living outside Pittsburgh. I have a BA in English and journalism and, after working in the field for about 20 years, am ready for a career change!

Aside from spending time with family, I enjoy running, knitting, cooking (mostly vegetarian and sometimes vegan), baking and traveling (I’m so jealous of those of you in Japan — I spent about a week in Tokyo last year and can’t wait to go back!). And my kids have me hooked on Pokemon Go, so there’s that. 😃

In my free time I’m a volunteer&coordinator at Red Cross

I’ve been lurking in chingu central for a few months now.

If anyone is doing a intro-reading marathon like me, just react with :heavy_check_mark: on that intro so you know until which intro you’ve read ^-^.

I want to to improve my english too, because I can read it, but I can’t communicating very well. I’m very happy to be here and I want to learn how to work in a team remotely

welcome everybody. add your favorite emojis lets get this party started!

I like my tea dark, very dark, like coffee… I like coffee

All you can eat… if you don’t hear from me again, i Probably died :p

And went to heaven XD

Let’s go to mars and beyond :stuck_out_tongue:

Good morning, Voyagers!

Trust me, I’ve done _soooooo_ many tutorials, but CSS is still my mortal enemy

Broke my display on a new phone 3 weeks back too. I feel your pain.

@alexever17 That song is PEEEEERFECT :heart_eyes: I’ve been listening to it on repeat since you sent the link :d

Well that’s a nice way to show someone that you are coding

Hey guys, i joined way earlier but couldn’t bring myself to properly say hi to everyone here. It’s nice to see everyone writing, fun to read

If you’re feeling comfortable with React, thought, why don’t your try building a tic-tac-toe project? It would be a good way to gauge how far you’ve come since your first attempt 🙂

a tic tac toe game is fun, i built it recently

I just finished working on a project, got appointed another task already! and another!

i wanted to start learning chinese this year but i am just so freaking busy

funny. after 20 years, i finally grasp it

we are fighting the good fight

Guys as a working backender — I LOVE a frontend who understands how to explain his needs and who can beautify my prototypes hahah

Secret to a happy marriage: Make your wife tacos. ← happy, eating black bean tacos. didn’t have to cook.

The way to a woman’s heart is tacos. And never judging for eating lots of tacos.

don’t think i have ever eaten a taco

It’s 2:42 pm here in New York. Sadly I already ate lunch, and it was not tacos.

I’ve recently started using BEM + CSS fragment file in VueJS to implement my own components for DRY CSS. It’s too early to call it a success, but I am hopeful

hi there, can see how everyone is excited to be in this voyage, great to see people from over 70 countries, this is really a great community, many thanks to the creators, can we have a channel that hosts only free resources in the slack?

i would link you the code, but it embraressingly messy, so i am not gonna haha

Van Tabbert I _looooooove_ your portfolio!! It looks amazing!! 😍 I’ll definitely be asking you for advice when I redesign mine 😁 Did you use particle.js for the background?

Feel free to fork it and do whatever :)

I am very sure music is a very integral part of me coding

Good morning from beautiful (but frigid) Sioux Lookout, Canada

So the rumors are true — How Canadians are born

I thought people died around -15C 🤔

hi 😉 you guys are so active so much message to read and catch up

I’m loving the chingu.io site. It looks slick!

The reason I prefer VSCode is that I can use it on any OS. So i can push my code up to github on Ubuntu and switch over to Windows, pull the code down and still be using the same editor. I liked Brackets when I was learning Angular because of the auto-refresh, until I got setup with the hot module reload with started learning React.

happened one day that I was adding a new feature, started around 2am and went on till 4, the morning after my colleague asked if I wrote the code or someone new to javascript took up the task




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Chance McAllister
Chance McAllister

Written by Chance McAllister

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: chingu.io

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