Project Showcase — Yes, 50+ more code projects from hungry learners leveling up their skills!

Chance McAllister
Published in
7 min readDec 31, 2019

p.s. Happy New Year!

Reminder: What is Chingu?

Chingu is a flexible & remote learning program for developers and aspiring developers who want to escape Tutorial Purgatory, complete projects and gain experience. We provide a projects, a team to work with, deadlines, collaboration experiences, accountability tools, and a friendly community with shared goals.

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Chingu is also the Korean word for friend (친구). 😉

Let’s see the projects!

Fortnite landing page clone

This is a mobile-first fully-responsive front-end clone of the real Fortnite landing page.

Stack: Vanilla JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Chingu project type: 🐦

Developer(s): steph#5544, shashi #2371, Bigvlad #9002, and rabbiturtle #2646

Github Repo

Deployed here

Issue Tracker

It’s an Issue tracker tool similar to Bugzilla but simpler. Currently it allows to create issues (with priority and status assigned to it), update issue and track by using search (In this version only searching by status code and priority is implemented). It supports user authentication. It’s possible to create user, login, logout and updating user profile.

Stack: MERN — web client implemented with react and redux, consumes data from rest api build with express, data is persisted in mongo database. Package manager is npm.

Chingu project type: 🐻

Developer(s): Damian#5693

Github Repo

Deployed here


The project is a react web app that makes API to a server to get information on movies and series.

Stack: React

Chingu project type:

Developer(s): Josh#1595, Jc7j #957, Fintan #9455

Github Repo

Deployed here

Truck Rental App

The aim is to develop a website for customers to rent trucks.

Stack: React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, REST API

Chingu project type: 🐻

Developer(s): Kish#1737, ahmedtarek90#3937, andreW#8472

Github Repo

Deployed here


The third version of my website to showcase my favorite novels and books, this time made with Vue.js. See my favorite novels and get inspired to read some!

Stack: Vue.js, Vue CLI, UIkit, Firebase

Chingu project type: 🦎

Developer(s): Alexever17#3145

Github Repo

Deployed here

Javascript Quiz

JavaScript Quiz using html, css, javascript

Stack: Html, Css, Javascript

Chingu project type: 🐦

Developer(s): Mitali #7152

Github Repo

Deployed here

The Film DB

Responsive app that shows films loading data via The Movie Database API. Users can sign up, log in, look for films and favorite them.

Stack: React with styled components for the frontend. Express and mongoose for the backend

Chingu project type: 🦎

Developer(s): gema#9256, shammy12#2700, subject026#9249

Github Repo

Deployed here


A web-based solution that will help people save more efficiently and better manage their money.

Stack: Vanilla HTML/CSS

Chingu project type: 🐦

Developer(s): Bachir #0230, @RoKo#7042, @hcon#8424

Github Repo

Deployed here


A toucans-flavor Momentum clone! It comes with features such as M.I.T list, Pomodoro, To-Do list and an in-progress weather panel.

Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Github, Zenhub

Chingu project type: 🐦

Developer(s): RafaelDavis, #2038, Sophia #7189, Ola #6556, Ming(ming-yong)#1810

Github Repo

Deployed here

Code Review!

It’s a rating system, designed especially for online development courses!

Stack: mongoDB, node.js, express

Chingu project type: 🦎

Developer(s): Liberty#1505reactor#7102Sivan#1444

Github Repo

Deployed here


Github repo


Github repo


Github repo

Deployed version


Github repo



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: