Say No to Tutorial Purgatory: 40+ remote developer projects from the Chingu cohorts

Chance McAllister
Published in
14 min readMay 11, 2019

Hello again rambunctious learners and voracious coders!

For those who just stumbled on this article and are like “what the $!% is a Chingu?”

All self-direction learners run into the same fundamental problems. Endless tutorials, unsure if you’re making real progress, not enough finished projects, no easy way to gain team experience.

Chingu is a flexible & remote learning program for developers and aspiring developers who want to complete projects and gain experience. We provide deadlines, collaboration experiences, accountability tools, and a friendly community with shared goals.

Chingu is also the Korean word for friend (친구). 😉

So, a lot has happened since the last Project Showcase…

🔥Teams in Voyage-8 contributed over 10,000 github related actions (PR requests, commits, etc.). THAT IS SUCH A HIGH VOLUME!

🚀Over 200 hours of Pair-programming hours logged (in the Pre-work section alone, who knows how many hours people put in on the Voyage team section).

🔥40+ MVP projects & 70% completion rate in Voyage-8!!!

Thanks to everyone who made this possible!

I want to give a big shout-out to every wonderful soul who contributed to the Chingu project over the past 3 months — from the Welcoming Team to Project Managers to the infamous Chingu-X team. And to everyone courageous enough to step out of their comfort zone and build with others!

This is no small feat.

Thousands of people from 70% of the planet’s countries have participated in Chingu in the last few years and we’ve collectively built hundreds of projects together (not to mention the unruly amount of friendships/levelups).

Are you ready to see some remote development projects?

Habit Tracker

Track your habit on a regular basis and visually see regularity.

Stack: MongoDB (Atlas), Express, React (Create-react-app), Node.js

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: @ patricktownley (aka HamboneFakenamington) @paulywill @pjconnolly12 @SaraSweetie

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Learning to work together remotely and helping each other out with idea and features.Learning some technology and best practices (especially the Github Flow) in real time.As been a fun experience and great group of people to work with! Thank you Chingu!!!

Doodle Live

Collaborate with unlimited users to share your ideas and take your teamwork to the Next Level. Work together anywhere, anytime!

Stack: React, Node, Express, Sockets IO

Chingu project type: 🐻

Team: Rishabh Agrawal, Iliyas

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Working in a team unfolded my ideas in the best way possible. Struggling through keeping every member active. At last, we overcame this by finishing in the team of 2 instead of 4. Probably an unique experience which can never be missed. If you haven’t read my article where I shared my experience than here you go.

Guess the Language!

Our app is a game where players watch a YouTube video of a random language being spoken aloud, then attempt to identify which language it is out of three choices. Each game is 10 videos, and the user’s score and play history are stored in localStorage on their own browser. We store video records on a Phoenix/Postgres backend, and use Axios to connect to Phoenix endpoints in order to perform CRUD operations from an /admin management area, and to choose random videos out of approximately 400 for the game play itself.

Stack: React, React Hooks, ReactN (Global State), React Router, Axios, Bootstrap, Testing tools: Jest, Enzyme, react-testing-library, HTML5, CSS, Node.js, Elixir, Phoenix Framework

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: Sabrina Markon, csisnett (Carlos), yinghuang1016 (Ying Huang), Susanna Kline (USA, Panama, Canada)

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Jobbatical clone

A job listings and job application app.

Stack: MERN

Chingu project type: 🐻

Team: @nedu @moe @cranknet @ibn_Abubakre @jidemobell

Github Repo

Deployed here

Condominio Sevilla

It is a landing page of Condominio Sevilla Las terrazas

Stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Chingu project type: 🐦

Team: marceloc78, Miraca, Hernando Guzmán

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

All my teammates showed enthusiasm for the project.


ChinguFlow is a Q&A website aimed at Chingu questions from its community. It is StackOverflow’s little cousin :)

Stack: React, GraphQL, Apollo, MongoDB, Node.js.

Chingu project type:🐉

Team: Hanen Wahabi, Ed, Ruben Vinke, Christin, Joana

Github Repo

Deployed here

Bonus: This team comes from: Tunisia, Puerto Rico, Netherlands, Germany, Portugal

Quote from the team:

Getting to know each other/making friends!Continuous integration.THANK YOU, CHINGU!!!!!!!


We created a dashboard using React and the following APIs: Geolocation, Openweathermaps API, Reddit Feed and Unsplash API, Angolia Search

Stack: React

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: Manjila, Chris, Olarks, Rupa211984, Radha

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

I think the best aspect would be our communication and patience towards each others. We didn’t have a meeting but constantly communicated with each other about out work which made the project successful.


Devbev is a social web application for sharing your current beverage of choice and seeing what other people are drinking.

Stack: MongoDB, Express, Reat, Node.js

Chingu project type: 🐻

Team: Jc7j, Steven, pop, jmwebdev (PM)

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Great team members. All members were willing to dive into the unknown. As a team we worked pretty flawlessly. Challenges effective use of API calls with React hooks and Github based OAuth (still working on that part). Amazing experience. I know our team has all grown as a part of this. We intend to continue working on the product and see where it goes.

Dovile Jewellery

Jewellery artist’s portfolio page with e-shop. Admin can add/remove/edit/delete items, collections and so on.

Stack: React, node.js, express, mongodb, nextjs

Chingu project type: 🐻

Team: g1st, nikrb, Michal Weizman

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Friendliness and positiveness of the people.Finish on time.Thanks for this opportunity.

Toggl clone

We have reverse engineered this application

Stack: React, Firebase, SCSS

Chingu project type: 🐉

Team: Milos Birovljevic, Efe, grzybek6, Piotr

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

We have learned a lot from each other :D

Momentum clone

The dashboard condenses several widgets into one page including the weather and time based on the users location, an inspirational quote, and a todo list. In addition, users are able to change the dashboard’s background by choosing from a variety of beautiful images.

Stack: React

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: MaxwellT, Daniel Preys, Hassan

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Motivated and positive team members. Pushing to Github, syncing repos and resolving merge conflicts was valuable in itself since we were all first time Chingus. Our team was focused on collaboration and open to learning new technologies.


goodWork is a website that matches people who want to do volunteer work with organizations looking for skilled volunteers to employ.

Stack: React (Next.js and Apollo Client — GraphQL ), node.js (Express and Apollo Server-GraphQL), Mongoose (MongoDB)

Chingu project type: 🐻

Team: willjw3, hitochan777, picklu, Allan Applebee

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Learning to use new frameworks and libraries as well as gaining experience using git workflow.Keeping everyone involved.Thank you very much, Chingu, for the opportunity!

Bonus: This team was located in USA, Japan, Bangladesh, Australia

Diamond Generation

Re-worked website for non-profit. The non-profit assists young ex-cons to reintegrate back into society once they are released from prison.

Stack: React Front-End

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: SebasDuranona, Sonia, jhuppe

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Everyone on the team collaborated really well. It took a couple weeks to get to a point where we were getting a significant amount of work completed each week. Once this happened we were making good progress week after week.

This is an awesome program. Thank you to everyone that is running Chingu Cohorts. I know that everyone in the group is very grateful for the opportunity they had to participate.

Electronic Medical Record

Stack: React

Chingu project type: 🐻

Team: Ricardo Del Rio

Github Repo

Deployed here


Web app for connecting people to meet and eat together at restaurants.

Stack: Mongo, Express, React, Node

Chingu project type: 🐻

Team: vi#8493 meganekun#1048 jaytula#1064

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Working and learning together with fun positive teammates. Chingu rocks! Clone

We decided to pay tribute to Chingu by cloning the official landing page (Spoiler alert we added something to it)

Stack: HTML CSS and JavaScript

Chingu project type: 🐦

Team: @Frankie(PM) @Kinga @Nishavijai

Github Repo

Deployed here

Bonus: The team comes from Poland(Living in England), India (Living in Denmark) Uganda (Living in Ethiopia)

Quote from the team:

My Team Hands down. Being a Project Manager for the first time. I want to say thank you to all of the Chingu X team but especially to Chance, Jim and Francesca who without i may have quit in the pre-work week. I also want to thank @NishaVijai and @Kinga for being the best teams mates a person could ask for. — Frankie

Resume Bears

A JSON supported resume builder with a form to create either a JSON and a PDF for your resume or both.

Stack: VueJS

Chingu project type: 🐻

Team: Osycon, Mette, Jemimah O., Lucagessi

Github Repo

Deployed here

Italy, Denmark, Nigeria and Sweden

Bragging Rights

A clone of using webrtc for peer to peer communications.

Stack: MERN

Chingu project type: 🐉

Team: Luis Rodriguez, CL Mason, ZumDeWald, Bryan T, LorenzoMJ

Github Repo

Deployed here

Job Shark

First and memorable stepping stone for learning full-stack.

Stack: React, SCSS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB

Chingu project type: 🐉

Team: paul1124, Carlos F., natalieR, terrance

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

I obviously learned very much.

Productivity tools

A few productivity tools built on a React site — To Do List, Pomodoro Clock, and Calculator

Stack: React, Moment

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: Helo (Joye, and Nickk)

Github Repo

Deployed here

Nigeria, USA, Belgium


Take a photo and share what’s happening around you.

Stack: React,graphql,apollo

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: iNightElf

Github Repo

Deployed here

Talent trade

A platform which connects skilled people with people who want to learn a specific skill.

Stack: create-react-app, sass, react router

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: ChrisFFFFF, JeffVega, Eliezer Valenzuela

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

I learned react, and improved my english.


An app to enable people to donate unused meds to those who need them.

Stack: React, Redux, Express, MongoDB

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: Pablo WBK, Intelequian, Zentech

Github Repo

Deployed here

Code Collab

A platform where users can search for projects to contribute to and/or post their own projects that they need help with.

Stack: React (Redux), Nodejs, Mongodb (Mongoose), Express, AWS, Firebase

Chingu project type: 🐻

Team: Danmato K, Crystal, Owen

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

I got exposure to a real-world app. I had just started learning backend a little bit before I started this project so it was a huge learning curve. My team was great to work it and they all had great ideas and input to keep the project moving forward.

Building out a real-world full-stack app was pretty hard. Another thing, although not completely finished yet, was implementing AWS into the project.

Revenue & Expenses tracker

An app to track revenue and expenses.

Stack: React (create-react-app), Node, Express, PostgreSQL

Chingu project type: 🐻

Team: @super-ming, @Philosocode, @rdollent, @VictorCamKA

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Getting to work together to build a complex full-stack application.

In the pan app

In the Pan is a recipe finder that will help you generate ideas with nutrition facts for your next meal.

Stack: Vue JS, VueX, Vuetify, Vuelidate, Axios, jsPDF, Edamam API

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: louischrisorona, Alvaro, simonxcode, Elizabeth

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

The best aspect of the project experience was to learn new skills in a team setting environment, making friends along the way.

Please keep the project going. i believe this is a great way to gain experience which is something that now days companies wont give you or expect you to have. Also if you can get sponsors that would be an amazing thing for both leadership teams and chingu users.

Chingu News

A Flipboard main page clone with NewsAPI integration

Stack: Node, React, React-Router, Bootstrap

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: jamsgra, uninvisibl3, janselme, abdulfatai360

Github Repo

Deployed here


We are building a chrome extension similar to momentum with react.
This Website/Extension is supposed to help with daily tasks like writing notes and has an included Pomodoro Clock. This was a nice Project to learn React in the Chingu Cohorts.

Stack: React, Webpack

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: @soreg#7672, @marie0901#5373, @fabian#7941, @Alexever17#3145

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

The feeling of solidifying the knowledge of React and producing something new and interesting.

Denmark, Austria, Ukrain


Project collaboration app.

Stack: MERN

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: manu4216 Fouad Peppe#9453 (whooolia#8234 Veronica#6414)

Github Repo

Deployed here

Trello clone

A to-do list application like Trello.

Stack: React

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: Yuenwailok11

Github Repo

Deployed here

Game on Geckos

A collection of simple games / boardgames.

Stack: React with Styled-Components

Chingu project type: 🦎

Team: Pieter, dianastanciu, Laurent Mbuyu

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Learning to work with Github in a team workflow

Ukraine, Romania, South Africa


Huddle landing page with alternating sectionsThis project is part of Chingu Voyage 8. It is clone the Huddle landing page with alternating sections from challenge.

Stack: HTM, CSS, and JS

Chingu project type: 🐦

Team: @Darshan Datta @Eri Hariono @Priyadarshi Raj @Zank

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Working with team and Learn how to manage the project.

Bonus: The team comes from India, Indonesia, and Thailand

Chrome Extension app

We wanted to wade into the world of Chrome Extensions and challenged ourselves to code some basic javascript applications.

Stack: basic html and javascript with css

Chingu project type: 🐦

Team: Quinten Steenwyck, Nick Summa

Github Repo

Deployed here


Kindnest: The app for good neighbors .A platform that matches willing individuals with neighbors in need.

Stack: React, node.js, Firebase/Google Cloud

Chingu project type: 🐻

Team: Nek, tarafenton, dtyutyunik

Github Repo

Atomist Clone

We cloned Our MVP was to replicate the landing, pricing, and developer pages.

Stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Chingu project type: 🐦

Team: Brazill M., Sarajoha, & Carlos Pena

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

It was amazing to collaborate and share experiences with fellow developers!The toughest part was getting the same results as the original site. Links to pages that were out of range for our current skillset lead to the original Atomist website.

Venezuela, Nicaragua, United States

Landing page

a landing page of an invented tech company

Stack: html5, css3, Bootstrap, jquery

Chingu project type: 🐦

Team: CesarP, Matt L TX, juan3111

Github Repo

Deployed here

Random Quote Generator

We built a random quote generator that also allows for sharing the quote on social media.

Stack: HTML/CSS (+ Grid)/JavaScript

Chingu project type: 🐦

Team: @Elisheba, @pecurran, @pbassi

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Balancing out each other’s strengths and weaknesses to build a better product than we could individually

Maintaining communication with each other over the whole length of the voyage

Landing page

It is landing page where to showcase your companies works, service etc

Stack: bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery

Chingu project type: 🐦

Team: diallo

Github Repo

Deployed here

Toucans 8 Web Solutions

A landing page for a software company.

Stack: bootstrap, jquery, js, html, css

Chingu project type: 🐦

Team: Josh Single, Wanze Enyi Nwosu, Chloe

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

It has been an honour and a great challenge. In all, my team has been amazing and am glad I met them.


A bot to help facilitators automate finding out about team activity.

Chingu project type: Chingu-x 🐲

Team: Jim — Chingu-x

Github notifications channel

Github notifications channel

Chingu project type: Chingu-x🐲

Team: Vamp — Chingu-x

Ask a Bear

A scaled down close of Stack Overflow.

Stack: React, node, express, passport Json web tokens, Material UI

Chingu project type: 🐻

Team: Alessandro, jonager

Github Repo

Deployed here

Quote from the team:

Working with people of different experience levels and technical backgrounds. Learning how to use new tools.Keeping the project moving. I want to thank everyone involved in putting all of this together. I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate in a remote project on Chingu.

Heartbeat Prototype (Chuseok version)

The prototype to simplify and make sense of hundreds of developers and 50–200 teams at any given time.

Chingu project type: Chingu-x🐲

Team: Jim — Chingu-x

Github Repo

Deployed here

Pre-work experiment

A new experiment of running a Pre-work session before the Voyage starts.

Chingu project type: Chingu-x 🐲 (Special shout-out to Francesca & Jim!)

Team: Chingu-x

That’s all for this time, see you next time!!



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: