The Voyage-3 Remote Developer Project Roadmap

Brief overview of how it all works

Chance McAllister
3 min readNov 29, 2017


Photo by Matt Duncan on Unsplash

A Roadmap

1 — The teams are released in #chingu-news at the date mentioned in #chingu-news (for Voyage-3 it’ll be Thursday afternoon UTC-5).

2 — You will then be directed to find your team-chat (I’ll have video instructions in the #chingu-voyage-news channel on how to do this).

3 — Now the fun starts. The team then follows Chingu’s project roadmap:

Note: we are always looking for ways to improve this process so some of these milestones may change slightly.

Act I — Project setup

🗓 Due date to finish this Act: December 9th.

Bonus points if you can get it finished by December 5th 🔥

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1: Everyone has met each other and read each other’s bios

2: We have discussed and agreed on a Project Manager.

3: We have discussed and agreed on a project.

4: We have discussed and set team goals and expectations

5: We have set up a project management tool for assigning and tracking tasks

6: Everyone is in the github team (the repo is automatically generated in the Voyage-3 github organization)

Act II — Code sprints

🗓 Due date to finish: Each code sprint should last 6–10 days.

If the sprint takes longer, your team is at risk of losing momentum and failing.

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1: We have coordinated and assigned coding tasks for this sprint

2: We are coding our tasks

3: We have completed our tasks

4: We have pushed up this sprint’s code into our GitHub repo

Act III — Project completion, showcase & closure

🗓 Due date to finish this: January 20th for basic MVP

(MVP = minimal viable project).

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1: We deployed our project on a public web host

2: We have performed final debugging and testing

3: We have requested feedback on our project

4: We have evaluated the feedback and corrected any critical bugs

5: We have completed our project build and are ready to submit it

6: We have completed the Chingu Voyage project submission form

7: A member of the team has written an article and/or made a screencast detailing the project.

Milestone resources?

We will have a short 2–4 minute mini-resource for each Milestone that will give more information, tips, and examples on how to complete the milestone.

To make sure we don’t overwhelm you, Autobot (the project-guide slackbot) will release the mini milestone resources once the team gets to that milestone. Here’s the resource for Act 1 — Milestone#1 as an example.

A Seatbelt — Standups

The project roadmap gives structure and direction to teams. The Standups keep the teams on that road and allows the team to collaborate effectively, which ultimately allows teams to complete the projects.

The most successful teams check in regularly (even if it’s just a quick message to say hi), but we set the minimum at 2 standups per week for the duration of the project as any less and the team is likely to fail.

A standup consists of answering the following 3 questions and only takes a few minutes.

What have I been working on the last 3 days?

What will I work on in the next 3 days?

What roadblocks do I have in my way?

Note: the Standups and Milestones will be logged by the team project slackbot named Autobot. Autobot is getting revamped for Voyage-3 and may not be ready until 3–5 days after the teams are launched (we apologize in advance but we want to make sure it works well to best facilitate your team experience! 🚀)



Chance McAllister

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: