Voyage Build-to-Learn Handbook

Chance McAllister
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2017



As a general rule: Chingu very much operates like an open-source project. It’s run by volunteers who don’t get paid and spend hundreds of hours organizing Chingu so it can be free for you. Please don’t expect the same as you would at a $12,000 coding bootcamp. Take ownership of the opportunities you can get from this experience (you’ll only get what you put in). Thanks, have fun and I can’t wait to see how you overcome challenges to build something awesome! :)

The Projects to Build (Lineup)………………….…..……….……………..………0

These are the projects we suggest you and your team to build, organized based on your team’s level.

The Build to Learn Process (aka a roadmap)….…….……………….……….…1

This is how teams in the past have succeeded. The process was designed by people who have finished several team projects.

So I’m supposed to be a Project Manager for my Remote Dev team, what the ?$!* do I do?….…….………………………..…………………….……….…2

The title explains it all.

Can I get kicked out and lose my opportunity in Voyage?…………………3

Yes. We’ll be doing weekly check-ins with every member to help ensure the health of the team (1 minute check-in survey sent via DM each week) and the members who disappear or are not active will be de-activated from Voyage and lose their opportunity this session.

This may seem strict, but when even one team member disappears, it can ruin the team project experience and opportunity to the whole team. That’s not fair to the others and we want to avoid that.

We understand life is life and a hundred thousand things are going to come up. That’s to be expected and as long as you respect your team-mates and communicate your situation with them, we’ll be flexible. Our goal is help people finish projects — we want you to succeed.

How was your team organized?………..…………………….………………………4

  1. We take in all the people who were accepted and put them into one giant file.
  2. Organize that list via Tiers (Tier-1 is html to basic JS, Tier-2 is Intermediate projects, Tier-3 is advanced projects to backend).
  3. Organize those lists into full-time/part-time.
  4. Look through those lists and highlight members who have finished Build-to-Learn projects before or otherwise have demonstrated leadership skills (to be assigned Project Managers)
  5. Organize lists via timezone and build teams around Project-Managers.

How will your team be RE-organized?……………………………………………5

It’d be impossible to think we can build perfect teams. All teams are considered “working teams” and subject to be re-organized as needed.

Just like real life, we want to adapt to changing circumstance as needed. :)

1 reason why team projects fail…………………………….……………….….……6

and what you can do to ensure yours doesn’t

Everyone thinks someone else is going to do X and no one does X.

Solution: Be the hero, do X. ;p

Past B2L Team Projects Completed.…………………….……………….….…….7

Chingu’s crazy goal? 1000 projects in this list by the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.



Support Chingu with a Coffee….………………………….……………….….……8

This is absolutely not mandatory (we believe strongly in Chingu being accessible to anyone who is hungry to learn, regardless of their financial situation), but if you believe Chingu should exist and want to support its continued existence, feel free to buy Chingu a coffee or make a small donation on the Patreon page. :)



Chance McAllister
Editor for

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: