Tablets Fight Their Way In While PC Sales Drag

d‘wise one
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2014

Statistics clearly showed that tablets are here to stay.

We moved from Desktops to Laptops, and then came the Tablets, with the introduction of the Apple iPad. Tablets have since become an integral part of our daily experience, mostly in lieu of PCs. So, when the time comes to upgrade their computer (PC or Mac), most users are opting to add a tablet into their stable rather than a new computer.

Thus, the rising popularity of tablets has to be blamed for the fall in PC sales.

PC sales dropped by 3.7% in 2012. They’re expected to do better in 2013 than they did last year, with an estimated drop of 1.3%.
Research firm, IDC predicts the PC shipments in emerging markets to grow by 0.6% in 2013, and decline in mature markets by 4%.

Let us try and explain why tablets are eating into the PC market:

  1. Tablets are more efficient than PCs in terms of battery usage. Notebook computers usually last for about 4 hours on a single charge, while a tablet can serve you much longer.
  2. Tablets being portable, provide easy access to all personal electronic data and features. People of today like mobility and speed. PCs generally require a backpack, and a lot more patience to boot up. Tablets on the other hand, are much simpler to power on and off.
  3. Tablets allow us access to our Social Networking, Telephony, Photography, Books, Browsing and emails with far greater ease, especially when we are on the move (most of us spend more than 2 hours on commute daily). Obviously, pulling out a Notebook in transit would seem extremely inelegant, not to mention, unwieldy.
  4. With its screen the size of a PC (or Notebook) and at a fraction of the weight, it is a constant companion; while the PC remains in the bag or put on a desk.
  5. PCs have optimized security, but for personal use, the security level of tablets is more than sufficient.
  6. A wide array of programs can’t be accessed on tablets that are a click away on PC desktops, however, features and applications available on tablets more than compensate for that (MS office versions are now available for tablets).
  7. You get a lot more Apps, and for much cheaper at that, for Tablets in today’s thriving App Ecosystem available across all OS’. One reckons that all PC software ever written wouldn’t be able to match the count of apps available on even one OS’ app store. Thus Tablets seem to have limitless capability to expand their utility and diversity of use.

The last three years saw a surge in tablet sales, following the release of Apple’s iPad. After Samsung released the Galaxy Tab, the market skewed towards the tablets even more strongly.

TSC - TABLET vs PC Sales 2

Source: NPD

Statistics clearly showed that tablets are here to stay. Customers are recognizing tablets as a replacement for PCs. Leading tablet companies have successfully understood what the novice client wants and are building for them specifically.

Organizations and industries may use PCs for a variety of reasons, but Tablet manufacturers aim to reach out to the personal users (well, now even the corporates and educational institutes have moved onto tablets).

As technology keeps evolving and producing sleeker, smaller and easier versions of devices, the classics are sure to be forgotten. Manufacturers understand now, that the only means to survive is to compete in the market by producing what’s latest in the best fashion.

Originally published at Chip-Monks.

