Will iPhone SE Hold Fort For Apple?

d‘wise one
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2016

Apple is geared up to revisit the old 4-inch smartphone era. We think Apple’s right on this one.

Well, as has been the case with Apple releases of late, the rumour mill had it all before the big-unveil — all correct that is.

Steve Jobs may have wrung out the Head of Security at Apple, had he been alive. But it seems Mr. Cook’s having a hard time finding the correct throat to squeeze. Or maybe he’s reading a different chapter from Mr. Jobs’ handwritten book of Marketing To Generate Frenzy.

Anyway back to the iPhone SE, Apple is all set to reclaim to a territory it’d once owned — the 4-inch smartphone landscape.

A lot of people aren’t comfortable with the increasing spans of smartphones. All they want is a single-handed phone that glides along like the monoliths do. And its a genuine need.

Apple clearly realises that, since the iPhone 5S continues to sell steadily (in its third year post-ascendency). In fact, according to the data released by IDC, while half of the North American iPhone users have switched to the large-sized iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s, there exist users who still find smaller iPhones more appealing and of more practical use.

The iPhone SE will never be able to be called “brand-new” because it’s quite identical in physical design to the 2013 iPhone 5S, but that doesn’t make the latest device any less appealing.

The iPhone SE witnesses a number of modifications to the core components, newer colors and increased storage options when compared to the former device. Apple has come around with a quite clever approach while launching the iPhone SE.

The device is powered by Apple’s near-current A9 chip and comes with 2 GB of RAM, which makes it one of the most powerful smartphones in the market in its price range, and at the same time, the device is a step towards the reentry into the 4-inch smartphone zone.

The camera of the iPhone SE is identical to that of the iPhone 6s, which includes a 12-megapixel sensor capable of capturing 4K and 240fps, slow-motion video, in addition also offers an option to capture Live Photos. The cherry on top would be the A9 processor, which boosts the digital processing, which is clearly manifested in the picture quality.

While the iPhone SE offers the features of the iPhone 6S at a reasonable price, the users will miss out only on the absence of the 3D Touch and also suffer a needlessly-lower-than-acceptable-quality selfie (front facing) camera.

One thing, which has always affected the market share of Apple devices, are their exorbitant price tags. It has always been an issue with the iPhone enthusiasts in developing countries where the exchange rates against the US Dollar are quite weak. When the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus launched in September last year, a lot of users were forced to buy the year-old iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, to avoid the pain of selling their kidneys.

Those users who are missing out on a lot of the handy features of the iPhone 6s can now opt for the iPhone SE starting at INR 39,000 (approx. $579) in India.

The iPhone SE is quite powerful, thus, it gives Apple some relief when it comes to frequency of updates and product longevity. Been termed as the iPhone SE and not carrying an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s tag is also an advantage for the new device, as the sales won’t be hugely affected before and after the launch of the much awaited iPhone 7.

The iPhone SE is well equipped with powerful hardware and excellent design which will help the device to do a great business in the market, and keep on raising Apple’s market share, irrespective of what some market pundits are saying.

Originally published at Chip-Monks.

