3d printed jewellery India
With the expanse of what 3D printing has grown, in terms of materials used and the industries it has taken over is incredible. Right from plastic to metal to even skin cells and tissues are being used in manufacturing products in large scale today. Finding for profits in the e-commerce sector is like finding your way through a maze. Most of the people who try to do this eventually give up, while others quit to startup in different fields. There are only a few brave hearts who learn from their mistakes and try to do better in the same field. In India, jewelry has been like a garment for women since ages. But would have thought it can an innovative startup idea by using the 3D printing technology in the process?
In the nation’s market for bespoke jewelry, startups are introducing 3D printing that offers the perfect fit to those who are ready to shell out a bit extra. Globally, the process to manufacture products as visualized in 3D on a computer screen is being explored for mass-customization.
But in India, 3D printed jewelry is still a niche or hobby sector, says Arvind Singhal, chairman of retail consultancy Technopak. He doesn’t expect it to disrupt market dynamics. StartStartups in India are banking on the detailed customization they can offer to entice customers. [Source]
The traditional art of jewelry making is ripe for disruption in India, with new age firms such as BlueStone, AuGrav and Caratlane swapping out handmade one-offs in favor of 3D printed pieces. One of the biggest lures of 3D printing in jewelry making is the reduction in time to make pieces, a big requirement when selling online.
Moreover, with no physical interaction, 3D renderings serve as a much better way to show customers of designs they are getting commissioned.[Source] Finding a skilled jewelry craftsman is hard, keeping them is often harder.
Loosing one, after you’ve secured a good contract, can be devastating to your business.It takes 5–7 years, to instill the feel for jewelry into a craftsman. Loosing that craftsman is painful and costly, as they take all your hard work training them, somewhere else — usually to a competitor. [Source]
With the help of 3D printing, the jewelry business has profited in two ways:
- designers are able to promote and sell their jewelry more easily
- and consumers have many new designs and materials to choose from, allowing for exciting opportunities to customize.
Another highlight to this feature is that the selections are more affordable.
3d Printed Jewellery India: NOVABEANS
While Novabeans have numerous services available in the US and Europe which offer 3D printed jewelry galore now as well as a variety of ways to have designs fabricated, India is just on the tipping point of experiencing what the technology can do for this sector.
Now, Novabeans–the leader in 3D printing services in India–is beginning a new venture in their country, with the introduction of 3D printed jewelry and a great program offering access to a select group.
Partnering with two US companies, B9Creations and MadeSolid, they are hoping to capture market share in a country with an impressive, emerging economy for 3D printing which is especially ripe in the jewelry arena.
The Novabeans team and their partners are aware that jewelry has great significance in India–as well as in other developing countries. It represents not just a symbol of wealth and security, but also is of great value in celebrations, individual expression, and of course–relationships. Pointing out that research from AlliedMarketResearch shows that India is slated to grow at a CAGR of 37.4% from 2014 through 2020, Novabeans, B9Creations, and MadeSolid together will most likely be setting a trend many will follow in offering 3D printed jewelry to the population. [Source]
Personalized gold jewelry is a very new sector and there are very few players who operate in the online space. With names like Rocha Fashion, Addimon, Voylla, Mirraw, Bluestone and Caratlane also in competition, the going is tough. Particularly since most of the customization happen only on a one to one interaction with jewelers. It is too early to bet on the personalized online jewelry market. [Source]
3d Printed Jewellery India: EnvisionTEC
EnvisionTEC is another leading choice among goldsmith jewelers, and custom and large manufacturers for 3D printing jewelry patterns for casting. Their technology and materials together offer superior detail, precision and a smooth surface finish that requires less finishing. With EnvisionTEC, 3D print jobs go straight to the customer for review to casting and molding.
The machines are also incredibly reliable. Highly detailed filigree and accurate settings are routinely produced with little or no adjustment to the machine. The throughput of the printers is proven to be unparalleled in the industry.
The accuracy achievable is beyond laser or printing alternative technologies with 15 micron resolution capability as standard.
It’s a good way to Save money in metal material and metal finishing time with patterns that deliver superior patterns for investment casting. With 3D printer prices starting at $10,000, the return on investment for a jewelry 3D printer is measured in months. [Source]
With these many companies already in the market and the customers being receptible to the idea of 3D printed jewelry, it is now more of a hotspot market for youngsters. 3D printing technology has been a bane in the growth in the world economy by growing prospects in the business world for startups.
Everyone wants to put in little investment and get over the break-even point quicker and with 3D printing this is now even easier.