Cover Songs — Make Older Music New Again and Get Noticed

2 min readAug 12, 2016


We Don’t Talk Anymore

The main element to a successful cover is when it re — establishes one’s heart of what made the original a winner, plus needs a different direction as you go along. Be it slower or faster, heavier or lighter, a twist on the chord structure, or it might be also a male singer instead of female vocalist performing the main. Giving her a very factor is there’s something alluring yet different.

Sometimes the changes artists make to some cover is very drastic that the best elements of the initial song are lost then there is nothing coherently much like bind both the together. The modern version is unrecognizable. Unhealthy, if your goal is to attract the listener who still hums the main and so could possibly be more open to the top’s which is instantly familiar. Too subtle a change also is a deterrent as the latest version sounds a lot of like the original. Sorry, but it is the main we usually really like, so unless you will find there’s fantastic guitar solo tossed in as being a distraction, we keep with what we know. Ultimately, the maximum service a cover does is pay homage to a well written song by simultaneously reminding older listeners as well as introducing younger generations in a way that concerns them.

Creating a well chosen and well performed cover song is surely an invaluable promotional tool for underground bands and indie musicians planning to target a selected demographic or reach a greater audience. A cover song carries a pretty good possibility to become noticed amidst songs incorporating loops and samples from popular songs as the background for new compositions with altogether different lyrics and melodies.

When considering which song, or songs you wish to cover, the best thing is to not put on what songs from your arsenal of oldies but goodies were the largest hits. The songs that are great for your thing would really promote themselves to you. You may make a more impressive statement remaking music that wasn’t necessarily a smash, but is still recognizable today. Your eventual choice will flow within you as though you’re performing it forever, and many likely, you have been, whether on stage, or perhaps in the shower. A great study lesson is American Idol. This will give excellent samples of right, and wrong song choices created by contestants. The ideal cover song should feel natural. The remainder can be fate, luck, and having a fantastic producer can be a definite plus.

We Don’t Talk Anymore

