Credit Startup Cycling

Am I Looking For Questions or Am I Living in Action ?

Startup Cycling: 27/120


On March 30th, 2016, I joined Thomas Despin to cross the United States from New York to San Francisco by bicycle. One of our common objective is to improve our discipline, by making every day, for 120 days. He makes videos, I write articles.

I am a big lover of questions. I remember someone who asked me:

“Could you spend your life living surrounded in the questions?”

I remember telling myself that I was already into it. Indeed, as long as we live, would it be possible to not be surrounded by questions ?

It wasn’t this question that mattered, but the fact that this question in itself was an answer. This question made me realize that most of my questions wouldn’t find a proper answer if they remain in my mind.

Mystery is the essence of the world’s creation. Actions make the world’s construction.

As long as I will look for self awareness and self improvement I will have questions along the way. I may find answers but each answer will lead to another question. So, how am I supposed to respond when I am overwhelmed under a flow of questions ?

I have the choice between ideas or actions. Ideas are the questions and actions are the answers. Ideas are safe. Actions are risky. The idea of true love, the vision of a better world, the image of my perfect lifestyle: I can feed it or I actually can live it.


So, I commit to take action:

  • I am crossing the US by bike even if I was scared to do not be able to do it
  • I write and publish an article every single day even if I am not read and even if I don’t feel confortable with the text I just wrote
  • I accept to be wrong even when I think I was right
  • I am okay with not knowing

Crossing the USA by bicycle is like doing small steps every day. I’m not hoping for change, I’m creating the change I want to see within my life. I get rid of questions and ideas for answers and actions.

Because if I want to live a life worth living I have to learn from moments, not from ideas.

I might fail or get hurt. But if I don’t, where from would the biggest lessons come?

Press on the ❤ if you ❤ it!

This article is originally featured on Startup Cycling.

