Credit Startup Cycling

Move forward!

Startup Cycling : 16/120

2 min readApr 21, 2016


On March 30th, 2016, I joined Thomas Despin to cross the United States from New York to San Francisco by bicycle. One of our common objective is to improve our discipline, by making every day, for 120 days. He makes videos, I write articles.

Thomas and I leave New York in two days to cycle 50 miles a day for the next four months. It means a total of approximately 3.800 miles.

I begin to be scared. I never let fear to guide my actions, but it doesn’t mean that I am not scared. And tonight, I am.

I am not sure to be able to describe the fear. It looks like a lack of confidence.

What if I can’t do it? What if I don’t do it for the right reasons?

Behind the strong belief to be in a meaningful approach, hides an apprehension.

I am not prepared. I jump into the unknown, into something which will be even more difficult than I can imagine.

Somehow, it’s the reason why I am doing it. To prove something to myself.

I did it in the past. I leap in the dark : something as powerful as I must rediscover within myself what I am capable of.

What do I want to prove to myself? Do we have to prove anything to anybody, including ourself?

I don’t think so. I have nothing to prove.

So why am I scared?

Fear always has a reason, which doesn’t come from the situation that awakes them. It comes from the past. It comes from something which is over. It comes from something I had to overcome.

Tonight, as I write this article, I am worried about the physical pain and the disturbing feelings or thoughts that may appear on the road. I am worried about something that doesn’t exist yet.

Where strength comes from? Would I be afraid if I had it enough?

While I am thinking about a solution to overcome pain and fear, on the road or in life, something whispers within myself:

Move forward!

Always moving forward.

Press with ❤ if you ❤ this article. You can follow my journey on Startup Cycling HERE!

You’re curious ? HERE is our last video on Youtube!

