Credit Startup Cycling

Same road. Different move.

Startup Cycling: 31/120

2 min readMay 7, 2016


On March 30th, 2016, I joined Thomas Despin to cross the United States from New York to San Francisco by bicycle. One of our common objective is to improve our discipline, by making every day, for 120 days. He makes videos, I write articles.

Today, it’s been a month since I started to write one article per day. Tomorrow, it will be exactly two weeks that Thomas Despin and I took the road together. It’s time for reviewing the outcome so far.

I had an idea of what would be to write an article a day and to travel by bicycle, but the result so far was unexpected.

The exercise to write an article a day brings me satisfaction because I know to be committed to something. The same action which I repeat every day is the proof that I can be held in a discipline. However, I am not usually satisfied with my article and I hold the feeling I could write better or say more. The exercise is good, but the content and form might be revisited.

Concerning the travel part, I thought more about side things than the essentials. I was focused on what I will be able to do on the road: writing articles, meeting startups founders, building a community and make it grow.; more than what implies to be on the road: the physical efforts, the daily organisation (food, tent, weather, etc). From now, aware of what really means to travel by bike, I have to redefine my daily routine and my commitments.

The best learning comes from the action to try. Whereas I continue to commit on the what, I decide to experiment on how.

So beginning tomorrow, I’ll stuck in the road but I shall try a different move!

Press on the ❤ if you ❤ it!

This article is originally published on Startup Cycling.

