The Economy of Love

If love wasn’t all about feelings.

Chloe Conscience
Sur la route du Must


Love has always been a feeling. I have always been a person of feelings.

The reason rarely comes on the path of my internal feeling and, when it concerns love, it is even flooded under a tidal wave. “LOVE PREVAILS ALL” could be my purpose of life.

Recently, while I discussed with a friend, I told him that my current love life isn’t in accordance with the future which I want. As if I live something that I don’t want, but feel.

“ What do you feel which prevent you from getting the future you want?” he asked me.


“Ok. Now, stop thinking of the feeling of Love and try to think of the Economy of Love.”

I paused. WTF was he talking about ?!

Timing. Supply and demand. Fears. Strategy. Risk control. He reviewed so many assets to make me understand why certain relationship do exist but are not supposed to be lived, that I felt nothing at the end.

I don’t want to consider love as an Economy. However involuntarily, although aware of their choice, certain people do it. These persons feel love but prevent themselves from the power of feelings to expand in possibilities: to take risks, to gamble with time, to embrace fears, to challenge the predictable future to love only one person more than anyone else.

While I pursue a professional path which I like, while self-love becomes the very first condition to Love, I wonder: Is it that feelings are a point of view? Could we change them according to our expectation, our ambition, our inner self-desire? Should we control them?

Somehow, do the Economy of Love has an influence on the future which we shall have ?

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