Reflection 3–3rd October

Are adverts manipulative?

Chloe Wooldrage
2 min readOct 18, 2018


Advertising has been around for centuries. It is company’s ways to broadcast their products to the masses. Advertising is a manipulative thing because it is pushing people to buy their products.

Adverts reach us more now because we use social media frequently in the day and social media has become an advertising platform. Sites like Instagram pay people to be ‘influencers’ where they get paid by companies to promote their products.

Adverts can be manipulative by targeting their audiences insecurities— for example anti-aging cream — the name alone is something to be shocked at, as aging is a natural thing that everyone experiences. Advertising has made us become scared to get old and scared to get wrinkles, when we should embrace that as it is a part of getting older.

