Explaining the history of Ethereum to a five year old ….

Cam James
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2019

This has been a pleasure to write! But first….. Happy belated new year chocablockers!

I’m sorry neither me nor Kieran had felt it right to grace you with our weaponised words of wonder, but we’ve both been rather busy!

Kieran has quite a lovely family with which he was busy most of the festive period with (as well as a few personal occurrences with which we wish him all the best with ❤️)

And I’ve started an awesome new role with the exciting new startup Tick.co (micro-video platform looking to empower a billion people to learn a million new things).

So things have been a little hectic to say the least! However, we have a lot of work to do and it’s about time we got back in the saddle and got stuck into what will be an immense 2019!

To kick off Chocablockchain’s biggest year yet we’re going back to basics. How to explain the Ethereum blockchain to a five year old. Because why not?!

Here we go!

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Hello, and welcome to one of the many stories about the wonderful world of Cryptovia, grab your snacks and get settled 🍕

Today I’m going to tell you about a magical wizard called Vitalik and how he created the wondrous Ethereum city.

Not too long ago, in the distant world of Cryptovia, there was a town that sat on a lonely hill called Bitcoinia. The town was created many moons ago by the wizard Grandmaster Satoshi Nakamoto, in his image of safety, security, and fairness. Grandmaster Nakamoto was a fantastic Wizard, big, strong and powerful, but mysterious, all the wizards looked up to him.

Bitcoinia! In all its splendor!

In the town of Bitcoinia there was a jaw-droppingly fantastic workshop, home to a small, but talented team of wizards apprentice spell-masters. The apprentice spell-masters were extremely talented individuals, as it was there job to ensure the workshop continued to build things for the Bitcoinia palace to maintain its splendour.

These apprentices would build all manner of amazing things for the palace, from wonderful magic doors that could protect the castle against pesky thieves, to beautifully carved bookcases and shelves that could help you see where all the money of all members of the Bitcoinia village was spent, traded and hodled.

Another young talented wizard called Vitalik lived in the town, as a bard, not a spell-master. Vitalik would sing amazing songs in taverns and pubs across the land, telling the news and pending updates from the Bitcoinia workshop. Vitalik loved helping the people understand the wizardry and magic that went into building the amazing Palace, but he wouldn’t remain a bard for long.

Being close friends with the workshop apprentices he noticed something. The workshop was only building magical items for the palace, and the tools the workers used would forevermore be used to build objects for the Bitcoinia Palace and none other.

Vitalik wrote to the workshop masters, pleading to them that it would be wonderful if you could allow the people of Bitcoinia to create their own tools using your magic, so that they can build different palaces on different hills.

The workshop apprentices heard Vitalik’s plea, but replied with “Nah you’re alright”.

Disappointed and sad. Vitalik, left the town of Bitcoinia, and, stopped being a bard.

Setting up a small homestead on a neighbouring hill, Vitalik decided he would use his own magic powers to build an even better palace than the one in Bitcoinia. With better doors, better books, and enough magic to head to the moon!

Getting down to work, Vitalik quickly built an amazing palace, and with the help from a few of his friends from back in Bitcoinia, the palace was complete. With excellent security doors, amazing bookshelves full with records about the palace, and a whole flurry of tools for every wizard to use to their heart’s content. So impressed with his palace,Vitalik decided it was ready and named it Ethereum.

image from CoinTelegraph

People began noticing how wonderful the Ethereum palace was, Coming from all over the lands and so many began to move over to the Ethereum hill, with some choosing to remain in between Bitcoinia and Ethereum, enjoying the trading routes to both.

Vitalik staying true to his original view, then granted his magical knowledge to new townsfolk which allowed them to build their own tools, workshops and smaller palaces around the Ethereum palace.

With this new spread of magical knowledge and tools, lots of other palaces in the same shape of the Ethereum palace began popping up, however the townsfolk trading and living in each of them were unique and different.

This magical new world of Cryptovia then grew and grew! Until ……. But that’s a story that hasn’t been written yet.

The End

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Christ I enjoyed writing that more than the average human should (is it weird that in my head it was narrated by Stephen Fry?)

Maybe I should be a children’s book writer too

Until next time kids ;P

