Confessions of a Chocoholic: A Yummy Chocolate Pudding Recipe

Chaitrali Sardesai
Chocolate Cheese N’ Chai


I’m pretty sure most of us have some craze or addiction to something. Well, I have a confession to make: I am in LOVE with chocolate. You know, like the first love, forever love type. Like the cheesy love at first sight with anything and everything that has chocolate in it! I can eat chocolate all day and night (oops the calories)!

There is so much you can do with chocolate and cocoa, the list is just never-ending. My love and passion for baking started with chocolates. I started experimenting with cocoa and discovered a new world of ingredients, flavours and developed this intense love for cooking, so much so that I can spend the whole day in the kitchen!

So, here in my first blog-post, I thought of sharing a super delicious and quick recipe for all you chocoholics to try at home! This chocolate pudding works as a fantastic party dessert, and trust me, it’s as simple as it gets!

Let’s Get to Making This!

Chocolate Biscuit Pudding Recipe:

Okay so let’s get started with the recipe. I made this recipe for a pot-luck dinner party for approximately 10–15 people but of course you can make a bigger or smaller quantity and adjust the ingredients, depending on the number of people you are making it for!

For the filling of the pudding you will need:

1 litre of plain milk (full fat cow milk works best)

1 to 1.5 cups of white sugar

3 – 4 tbsp of cornflour

1 cup of good quality, unsweetened cocoa powder (Recco: Cadbury Cocoa Powder)

1 tsp vanilla extract

Grated dark/white chocolate (optional)

For the base:

1 packet of 500 gms. Digestive Biscuit (You may not need the whole pack, so adjust it according to the quantity of milk)

2 cups warm water

2–4 tbsp fine coffee powder (Bru works wonders!)

2 tsp brown sugar (Demerara Sugar is a no-no! It is too coarse for this recipe)

Got the ingredients all right? Abracadabra! Let’s get this yummy stuff started with!

Step 1.

Pour the milk in a large steel or heatproof utensil. Add the cornflour to it and mix thoroughly with your hands or a whisk to make sure no lumps of the flour remain at the bottom of the vessel. Bring this to a boil on medium heat. (Don’t boil on a large flame, you’ll burn it!) Keep stirring the milk continuously till it thickens. Turn off heat.

Step 2.

Add sugar to the thickened milk and mix to dissolve the sugar.

Step 3.

Sieve the cocoa powder and mix it into the milk. Use a whisk to do this to avoid cocoa lumps.

Step 4.

Add in the vanilla essence and stir.

Step 4:

Leave aside to cool completely.

The next part is the best! The base!

Before we begin this part, make sure you have a pretty looking dessert utensil ready :)

So here it is!

For the base:

Step 1.

Take the cup of water and heat it slightly, just about 30 seconds in the microwave.

Step 2.

Stir in the coffee powder and brown sugar to it.

Step 3.

Pour the coffee mixture to a medium-sized bowl.

Step 4.

Dip each digestive biscuit in the coffee and place it neatly in the dessert utensil. Do this till the base of the utensil is full with the moist, dipped biscuits.

Step 5.

Pour half the quantity of the cooled chocolate filling on top of this biscuit base.

Step 6.

Repeat step 4 and 5 till the filling is over!

Keep the pudding in the refrigerator for at least 5–6 hours to set completely.

Before you serve this lovely dessert, don’t forget to sprinkle it with grated chocolate!

Serve chilled!

Ready to be Served!
  • This recipe can be stored in the fridge and consumed within 4–5 days.

I hope this recipe brings you happiness and joy while making, serving and eating it! So dear chocoholics try this recipe at home and share your feedback with me! There’ll be a lot more yumminess coming up from Chocolate Cheese N’ Chai very soon, till then cheers and Bon appetite!

