The Cacao Informant

Lots of folks want to know more about cacao and that makes us happy

Tejas Chocolate
Chocolate Maker’s Weekly


Normally when someone, like in the above picture, is wearing latex gloves while looking at me rather intently I get nervous.

But that is my Michelle telling shoppers at Spec’s liquor store in Houston’s Midtown about the merits of single origin dark chocolate.

She could sell BS to a politician.

Okay, I embellish a little sometimes, but I promise you she is hard to say no to.

Not only was Michelle preaching the good gospel about handcrafted chocolate, she was solving problems for last minute Christmas shoppers.

We shared space with about 327 reps for booze producers. They all hire hot babes dressed in seductive cocktail attire to dish out FREE samples. The store was in an absolute Holiday Spirit riot. The full story is here.

With free booze to calm and chocolate to relax we were having more fun than a Dwarf in a Hobbit Hole.

Anyone that crosses our path in 2014 is gonna get an ear full of how great Craft Chocolate is for those who eat it, make it, and produce the cacao for making it.

Cheers! Scott



Tejas Chocolate
Chocolate Maker’s Weekly

Scott Moore Jr — An American Craft Chocolate Maker, and part time wise guy. @tejaschocolate —