Her Dance Was The Dance of Darkness

She was beautiful and she was dark

Emeka Alozie
Chocolate Socrates
2 min readAug 14, 2020


She cast a web of lies on you and all of a sudden you’re in love when you’re only trapped.

You ever seen a lady dance.

She’ll call it the dance of darkness.

Because when she spins and twirls, she cast a spell.

Because with her words she spins the web, and twirls her threads of logic around your neck.

She does this because you think you’re close to her, you think you’re in her loves embrace.

You are the light because she seduced you by her darkness.

To you it’s not a hug, to you it is more romantic.

To you is not her arms around your neck, to you its her willingness to dance with you.

So you do the lovers dance, the lovers quarrel. As in your head, she spins her web and twirls her threads of logic.

She says she loves you now, she says she hates you later.

You say but why is she this way, why is she this lady.

But you don’t realize she danced the dance of darkness.

So never will you ever know who or what she is, she cast a spell on you, she danced so well, you thought love when you were only getting played, you were her puppet and behind your back she pulled the strings with her hands.

