Use This Framework for Fascinating & Memorable Presentations (Backed by Science)

Jen Clinehens
Choice Hacking
Published in
5 min readMar 28, 2024


Most people hate presenting.

Not because they don’t like crafting a story or building the PowerPoint deck, but because capturing and maintaining an audience’s attention is really difficult. Engaging presentations are down to how we package our ideas, and for lots of people that can feel intimidating and difficult (and there’s usually a deadline to hit).

The late professor and Director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Lab, Patrick Winston, discovered the same issues in MITs PhD students. To solve this issue, he would give anannual lecture at MIT where he explained how to package complex topics so that they were easy to remember and share.

His audience was about ot embark on their professional scientific careers where giving engaging presentations at conferences was critical to their success. They needed a systematic way to make their complex — and sometimes boring — discoveries accessible, entertaining, and engaging. Not an easy task.

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Patrick Winston spent decades distilling his approach into a model called “Winston’s Star.” Unsurprisingly, this model works because of its application of psychology…



Jen Clinehens
Choice Hacking // Brands win when they know what makes buyers tick (behavioral science, psychology, AI)