Member Spotlight: @angelacmarie#8836

Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2022


Member Spotlights lend voice to our amazing community members working behind-the-scenes to bring this project to life. Thank you all for donating your time and talents to the good fight! đź—˝

Tell us about yourself :)

I’m a member and contributor at ChoiceDAO. ChoiceDAO is my first-ever web3 project and I support our social media and marketing efforts. I’m an activist at heart, and see ChoiceDAO as one of the ways people can help fund and engage in the fight for reproductive rights.

Wow! Your first Web3 project… tell us more.

Yeah! I found ChoiceDAO on Twitter. I had been looking into Web3 but hadn’t been compelled to join anything yet. IRL I work in health-tech, but wanted something I felt passionate about and excited to commit myself to. Roe being overturned made me want to get engaged. This whole mission for reproductive rights is something that personally resonates. I’ve really enjoyed my time at ChoiceDAO and meeting other members. I’m now looking to transition full-time into Web3. The learning curve is definitely steep, but I’m finding so many helpful people in the community that have been absolutely amazing.

What’s been surprising to you?

I was really surprised at how inclusive and welcoming people have been. Talented people with tons of experience — even well-known, busy people in the space — took time to welcome me and show me the ropes. In Web3, it feels like we’re all here to help each other and foster community. We’re all trying to figure things out together, since everything is so new, and finding mentors who want to help you along the way has been way easier than I initially thought.

Tell us about how you felt when they announced the overturn of Roe.

I was shocked (as I’m sure all of us were). At first it was just disbelief. There’s no shortage of bad news around the world, but this one hit hard. That week felt like an overflow of devastation.

All that said, watching everyone stand up and fight this has been inspiring. It’s unfortunate that we have to fight for something as basic as autonomy over our bodies. But, we’re seeing people join forces in creative and innovative ways to defy the changes and move the needle in the right direction.

What excites you most about ChoiceDAO?

I’m excited for the power that lies in this community. I’ve witnessed so many member utilizing their superpowers — it’s the biggest asset with this DAO. The capital gives us shared leverage, but more importantly: it’s the people in the community that will drive the impact.

As true for other Web3 projects, people organizing around a shared mission can create meaningful change. We’ll continue to build, and in the long-term, there are uncapped opportunities for people to be part of this.

How do you see ChoiceDAO evolving as it expands?

I’m really hoping (and already, some of this happening!) that we will be able to supercharge a lot of existing grassroots activism. There’s big organizations like Planned Parenthood, etc. that do great work, but I’m moved by the impact we can have on some of the smaller frontline nonprofits. It’s a huge deal for me to be able to support them with ChoiceDAO. I’d love to see us lend them resources — beyond money — like, the expertise of our community members.

How are you thinking of getting non-Web3 native people into this through ChoiceDAO?

First: talk about the mission. Highlight the impact of the changes, this is a real issue, and we have tools at our disposal to work towards change. Hope is one thing that can inspire action. So finding ways to share that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Then, find ways to get people involved. Even if it’s just an hour per week, that hour is pooled in with everyone’s hour. That time can be a huge unlock if used effectively. We can have impact at scale if we get this right. So, framing the value of one person’s time in the context of the community is important. Any small thing you can do can get amplified through the community.

Some of my friends who aren’t in Web3 think it’s scammy and have a bad taste in their mouths from all the projects that have gone under by bad actors. For them, I like to start by anchoring them in the context of ChoiceDAO as a way to show how these tools can be used for good too. A project like ChoiceDAO can be a great entry point. Say “we’re doing this for positive impact and social good. Here’s the tangible impact we can have collectively”. That’s powerful.

What’s a fun-fact that people might not know about you?

Hmm… I really like collecting Tamagotchis! Also, I’m half-Japanese!

To keep up with Angela, follow her on twitter.

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