5 Choice insights from Festival for the Future 2018

Suzana Luz
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2018

What were your top 5 insights from Festival for the Future?

1. “Starting a movement 101 with Lisa Mclaren from Generation Zero:

1) Have a naive idea
2) Do it for the politicians
3) Go and talk to anyone who will listen
4) Surround yourself with people who want to do similar stuff
5) Get people excited about it
6) Take care of your team ” — Alex McCall

2. “Georgina Beyer’s story and her message about expressing your true self and celebrating your uniqueness in the world while supporting others to do the same was really inspiring.” Samantha Ryan

3. “My favorite panel was on Mental health and wellbeing. It was touching to see so many young people engaged and ready to help others.” Suzana Luz

4. ‘Come to work every day willing to be fired’. James Shaw’s top advice for being an intrapreneur Fraser McConnell

5. “I was moved by the amount of youth, especially the young leaders in the room. Everyone was ready to make an impact.” — Dalaney Davis

After this weekend, the Choice team is super excited about bringing Payments with Impact to life!

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Kia kaha

Suzana & The Choice Team

