Info & Inspo: Girl Scouts paint inspiring quotes on school Bathrooms

Suzana Luz
1 min readSep 5, 2018


Photo by Robert Baker

These girls just did the most amazing thing to help the kids at their old school. They noticed a lot of quotes on the school bathroom walls that passed bad messages or messages of people struggling. Their solution was amazing!

The girls decided to use their summer break to paint multiple inspirational quotes on the bathroom stalls and walls.

“Sometimes people have self-confidence and motivation to keep going and keep pushing, so we thought it would be good to help people early on in their life to be motivated and self-confident,” one of the girls said.


The reason why this article was so amazing to me is because young girls used kindness to help their schoolmates! Kindness and compassion are the best gifts someone can give.

Check out the whole story at

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