Our Impact In Two Days At MossCaff

Alex McCall
Published in
5 min readMay 29, 2018

For two days consumers could purchase $4.20 flat whites and 50% of all transaction fees went to Kiwis for Kiwi helping save NZ’s national icon. Choice launched payments with impact at MossCaff, Wellington, New Zealand two weeks ago.

By the numbers

  • $4.30 donated to Kiwis for Kiwi — Don’t worry we topped it up to $30 to sponsor a trap 🤓🌳🐣
  • $2.90 in transaction fees saved by Ian & MossCaff — This is based off a ball park average 2% transaction fee — reduced by 25% (1.5% TX fee paid by Ian) 🚀
  • 137 people paid with impact
  • $575.40 transacted with Choice

Imagine a years worth of impact from only purchasing $4.20 regular flat whites at MossCaff 🤔

  • $280 donated to Kiwis for Kiwi
  • $190 saved by Ian and the team at MossCaff

If 1000 cafes across New Zealand were selling regular flat whites with Choice 🤓

  • $280,000 donated to Kiwis for Kiwi
  • $190,000 saved by small Kiwi businesses

Now we have just been talking about a $4.20 transaction — the average electronic card transaction in NZ is 10x larger at $48 per swipe

IMAGINE 10x impact 🤔🐣🌳🌏🚀

The first ever payment with impact at MossCaff, Wellington New Zealand, 17/05/2018

These small fees stack up pretty quick💰💸🚀🌏

We caught up with Ian the owner of MossCaff for a debrief. So Ian — After our 2 day trial what was one of the highlights? “Seeing people that didn’t know the trial existed — come in, sign up, use it straight away and then transact the next day without even asking”. It looks like the Choice team must have done something right. 😉

What would Choice mean for your business as we scale? “Knowing half of the fee is going to charity means a lot. It means I am doing something meaningful. MossCaff is making a difference without lining the pocket of someone else. Fees are fees and they disappear into the abyss and being able to see the difference, now that is something special.”

Lets talk speed. “It is undoubtedly quick, this means more people through the till and less wait time — people don’t want to stand in the queue and wait if they don’t have to.” We couldn’t agree more, a transaction should be seamless for both the customer and the merchant. No fumbling around with wallets and purses here, who doesn’t stand in the line with their phone sending that last txt message or getting the latest news update.

So what did the staff have to say? We had a catch up with Mikyla, one of the glowing faces behind the counter at MossCaff. Un-prompted, we were chuffed to see Mikyla taking initiative from the get go as she was asking customers quiet literally “would you like to pay with impact”. Just WOW, we might have to put that in our on-boarding notes for future cafes! So did people get it? “Once they understood the point of the app and the fees going to a cause they were very impressed”. What was the general consensus with your interaction with the consumers? “A lot of people were impressed with how quickly it went through and the app”. Not bad for a two day trial.

Mikyla from MossCaff, Mark Wiltshire head of marketing at Kiwibank, Alex McCall co-founder at Choice & Simon Hay head of strategy @KiwibankNZ transacting with @ChoiceToPay

We asked Ian how he found seeing the impact in a tangible way going to saving our native birds and knowing those fees were not going offshore. 💸🐣 “I think it is amazing — absolutely incredible — the customer feedback from them was outstandingly positive, knowing they could see their impact was amazing.”

Now we have stopped payment with impact after our 2 day trial — have people still been asking to pay with impact? “Yeahp — people are constantly asking about it and when we say it will be back soon they are really excited about it — the faster it can be developed the better” Don’t worry Ian, the team is working hard on phase 2.0 of Choice. We will be going bigger, more impact, more people, more cafe’s, more transactions.

How easy was it for your customers and staff to use Choice with the QR code payment and was their any hinderance to speed and operations? “Very easy once they knew what they were doing — particularly on the second day — they literally pulled out their phone on second day, knew what paying with impact was and job done.” One day adoption, now that’s not bad.

What do you think the association of payments with impact at MossCaff in the future would mean for your business, customers and brand? “We created MossCaff to assist people to change the way they do things and helping their wellbeing — now by transacting with Choice at MossCaff they are not only increasing their wellbeing but their external environment as well. Brand wise, Choice aligns harmoniously with our sustainability goals and promotion of sustainability, from reusable cups to our full recycled timber construction of the cafe. By empowering customers to help the environment without having to think about it, is essentially taking it out of our hands, it is a no brainer.” We like that thought train — impact without the think. “Choice is another feather in the cap to say hey we are not just doing it for the market there is something bigger here that we want to achieve. Choice is making a difference and that aligns with what I do. It is what we stand for, it is who we are and it is a compliment to what we do.”

Comparable to other payment solutions you have tried as a cafe owner — how does Choice compare? “Brilliant, didn’t notice the difference other than paying less and making a difference as well”

Would you as a cafe owner be willing to increase your fee to increase your contribution over time? “Yeahp — The more impact I can see the better. The better the cafe does is directly proportional to how much impact we can make. I believe that together with Choice we can grow not only our business but our impact as well.” Well that summarises our 2 day trial Ian and we could not thank you and the team enough!

Ossie Amir celebrating Choices very first payment with impact contribution with Paul O’Shea & Ross Halpin from Kiwis for Kiwi

The team is working hard on phase 2.0 of Choice and how we can scale our impact and create a payments revolution from right here in New Zealand.

A choice to pay is now a choice to make a difference.

Merchant or Consumer? Drop your details to Choice to be kept in the loop.

Feel free to join the movement on Twitter @choicetopay

Or join us on Telegram

Kia kaha

Alex & The Choice Team



Alex McCall
Writer for

Passionate about social enterprise. I am excited as to how we can utilise technology to greatly increase the communication of social impact.