Choo Weekly #2 2018: Rust in Bankai, Docs and Development Live Streams!

Yoshua Wuyts
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2018

Heya, another week, another update. This time around we’re releasing this on a Wednesday. If you’re reading this at home: we’ve been live streaming Choo development on Twitch! Anyway, more on that in a bit. Let’s dig in for the second Choo Weekly of 2018!

If this is your first time you’re hearing about Choo: we’re the tiny frontend framework you’ve always wanted to use. True story. Check out create-choo-app to have your first application working 5 minutes from now.

Rust in Bankai

Now that Bankai 9 has been released, one of our goals is to make it even easier to use. Node modules are convenient, but when installing native code (C++), installation can take a while.

So in order to speed up Bankai installations, we’ve switched out the native Iltorb module, with Dropbox’s Rust Brotli package. We use this in Bankai by compiling it to WebAssembly, which can be published directly to npm, and loaded without any further compilation steps.

The upcoming bankai v9.2.0 will be including this. Yay!

If you’re never heard about Bankai: it’s the easiest way to compile your frontend projects. With two commands it takes care of all tooling for both production & development. Check out to learn more.


We’ve been hard at work on documentation over the past week. A few new PRs have landed with docs on Forms, and State Machines! All in addition to previous docs on routing, views and more. Check out the latest here:

Components Update

We’ve mentioned before that we’re working on bringing components to Choo. We had a call about this on Tuesday 09/01, and it went well! It’s looking like we’ll be able to figure out how to move this forward real soon. So stay tuned, more news to follow!

Development Stream on Twitch

We’ve started livestreaming Choo development & GitHub maintenance on Twitch. If you’re interested in seeing how Choo is made, come and hang out!

Wrapping up

And that’s all for this week! Expect work on docs to continue well into next week, also probably some changes regarding routing coming up. Oh and Bankai v9.2. That’s actually quite a lot, hah.

Thanks a lot for reading it so far. Hope everyone has a great week, and catch you again soon!

If you’re working on something cool using Choo, let us know on @4kilobytes or Freenode#choo ✌️.

