Choo Weekly #5 2018: documentation is live, GitHub robots & smaller Bankai builds!

Yoshua Wuyts
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2018

Heyyy everyone! — happy end of January! We hope you’re having a great 2018 so far. We definitely are!

This week we’ve got some fun things for y’all! Our docs are finally live, we’ve added a (small) armada of GitHub robots to our repos — and we shrinkified Bankai. Let’s dig in!

If this is your first time you’re hearing about Choo: we’re the tiny frontend framework you’ve always wanted to use. True story. Check out create-choo-app to have your first application working 5 minutes from now.

Documentation is Live!

For the past few months we’ve been hard at work to bring Choo’s documentation online, and last Thursday it went live! Jon-Kyle’s doc designs are now available for everyone to enjoy. Check it out now on

A screen capture of crolling through the new Choo documentation

We have another 4 guides currently being worked on, so expect updates to come down soon!

We’d be keen to hear which guides you’d like to see; let us know and we’ll make it happen!

Robots on our GitHub org

Managing GitHub repositories is tricky. On an average day about 20 new issues pop up, varying between questions, support, issues and features. While we try and reply to everything, we can’t always get around to replying to everyone.

Luckily automation can help us with managing issues! By employing robots, we can check notify people of changes that happened, and ask them if issues are still relevant.

So we’re happy to share that starting this week, we’ll be employing release-notifier full-time, and will be starting a trial with stale-bot.

We hope you’ll enjoy these new bots! — We definitely want to hear from you how you’re finding the experience. We’re always looking to improve, and feedback is invaluable!

Smaller Bankai Installations

Renée Kooi released a new version of browser-flat-pack , which brings the total size of Bankai on-disk to under 100MB! This should speed up installation times, and make Bankai even more pleasant to work with!

Wrapping up

And that’s it again for this week. We’re super excited Choo docs are now live! — this was about two years overdue; but better late than never haha.

In other news: we’ve been experimenting with http/2 push while in Singapore, and it’s looking quite promising. We have nothing to show yet, but there’s a good chance this might turn out to be a big deal. Haha, well it’s all hypotheticals for now tho.

Anyway, sometimes the time to say goodbye is now. So, err, goodbye. Catch you next week!

If you’re working on something cool using Choo, let us know on @4kilobytes or Freenode#choo ✌️.

