Brain Toaster

A chapter of cyberpunk ‘choose your own ‘ story — drabble edition.


A door way in red light.
Photo by cheng feng on Unsplash

This is a continuation of ‘Be a Good Citizen’, a ‘choose your own’ fiction story, “drabble edition,” initially created by John Fanidis. Find out how to contribute to the ongoing story here, or head back to the previous chapter.

You decide to scan the cops for cybernetics and try to hack them.

You take a quick scan at their cybernetic command processors, and bingo. One of them has not installed the latest security patches. “I bet I can fry one and beat the other,” you think to yourself, and send the overload command to the vulnerable cyberware.

The cop slowly stops kicking his victim and instead begins to scream in agony as the chip burns through his neurons at maximum capacity, causing him to fall down unconscious.

At the sight of this, his buddy doesn’t even hesitate for a second before deciding to run off like a scared kid. Cops these days…


  1. You step closer to the beaten man and realize he is still barely breathing. You decide to try to resuscitate him.
  2. You step closer to the beaten man and realize he is still barely breathing. You decide however, to rob him of his possessions.
  3. You are worried that the runaway cop might call for backup, so you decide to hide next to some nearby dumpster to see how things play out.

This is a collaborative story. Please feel free to join in and add a chapter, furthering the story in any way you like. Each main part of the story (not including choices and blurb) should be a 100-word drabble. Or drop suggestions in the comments!

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