Choose Your Own… New Home

A merger for our ‘choose your own’ adventure fiction

JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration


A signpost in the sunset
Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash

Hello! And thank you for your support and love for ‘choose your own’ style fiction stories.

If you submitted to our publication in the past, thank you! You are among friends and fellow interactive fiction enthusiasts 😎

Either way, I have an update on this publication.

Going forward, new fiction stories of the kind that previously appeared in Choose Your Own Adventures — Collaboration will be hosted at The Fiction Writer’s Den.

There is no general change to how to these stories will work. The large archive of stories will remain in the old publication, and we can still read and link to them. New stories will be taken by ‘the Den’ going forward. A tab has been added to that publication for this kind of fiction.

The submission rules are not hugely different, but if you are not already a contributor there, you’ll need to check them out, and — of course — get added as a writer:

New Stories

I feel that it’s time for some exciting new stories here. Some, like The Burned Village and The Hero of Pendown, have been very popular, but as they have got to or even reached the end, submissions have slowed considerably. It’s perhaps less fun to fill the gaps than to drive a new story forward!

Others, like You are Dead, are complete. And still others have never really taken off, and have been archived.

At ‘The Den’, we will focus on the most active remaining collaborative stories, including You Are Alive and Vacation Roulette.

We’ll also launch 2–3 new story starts.

But don’t worry — all of the other existing stories will still be here. If you want to pick one of them and run with it, you can.

Why a New Publication?

I’m not a fan of having lots of smaller publications. Keeping things under one roof means that we have an active team of editors and a good system.

It’s already the case that I am spending more than 90% of my editing time at the Den rather than here these days.

Also, connecting to another fiction publication helps to grow our audience.

Any Other Changes?

I agree with Bradan Writes Stories that a CYOA story should be in the second person, so we will focus on those in the new publication.

Also, because we need to find these stories among the other ones, stories must use ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ as one of their five tags.

Finally, the rules at ‘The Den’ are slightly different for series fiction than for a stand-alone story. This will apply to anyone who wants to launch a new CYOA story start. In short, you’ll need to give us a bit of information about your plans.

Hopefully these changes will all be good for consistency, quality, and above all, fun for our readers!

Well… thanks again for all that you’ve written here.

See you on the other side!

Game dice in a bag
Photo by Alperen Yazgı on Unsplash



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