Drabble STORY ARC #2: Seek and Avenge

Goblin Kingdom

Part of a ‘choose your own’ story — drabble edition.


a vast rocky swamp, thin trees and cliffs to the side, landcape fantasy art
Image by the author using MidJourney

This is a ‘choose your own’ fiction story, “drabble edition”. You can check out Chapter 1 of this story: The Burned Village. Find out how to contribute to the ongoing story here, or check the previous chapter: ‘Reunited with Polki’ or ‘Strangers?’ by JF Danskin.

You move on. Light trees and cliffs lead to the far edge of the forest, and there you see a vast rocky swamp — home to goblins and lizardfolk.

“Aaaahh,” sighs Polki. “Home.”

Just then, a lone goblin emerges from the rocks and races up. You tense, weapons ready, until Polki shouts, “Powzi!” He rushes to embraces his brother.

Powzi quickly turns to you. “Your family are captives in Ballax.”

“In what?”

“It’s a vast fortress,” says Tox’ar, looking grimly northward. “Home of ogre warlord, Marroz Pale-eyes.”

“We could go now,” says Naya, “or help the villagers first. Your call.”

You decide to:

  1. Insist on helping the villagers first (click here).
  2. Proceed towards Ballax with the group (click here).



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.