Drabble STORY ARC #2: Seek and Avenge

Goblins Join the Battle

Part of a ‘choose your own’ story — drabble edition.


Goblins charge from the trees
Image by the author using MidJourney

This is a ‘choose your own’ fiction story, “drabble edition”. You can check out Chapter 1 of this story: The Burned Village, or read the previous chapter: ‘Forest Flight’ by JF Danskin.

Tox’ar and the goblin princes slay orcs to either side, allowing you to advance towards the village barricades. But before you can reach the defenders, twenty orcs break off from their flanking attacks and surround you.

Slashing wildly, you slay several, but are forced to your knees. Defeat is imminent.

But then you hear warhorns and cheers. A contingent of goblin wolf-riders emerges from the forest. Polki and Powzi whoop as their forces arrive. Dismayed orcs go on the defensive.

Now is your chance. And the orc’s leader, an enormous sorcerer on horseback, is right in front of you…


This story is a collaborative effort. Find out how to contribute to the ongoing story here.

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JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.