Inspecting the Prison Hold

“Oh! The beasts have escaped the Hold!”


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This is a continuation of The Small Man On the Giant Ark and Trust is Earned, part of a collaborative ‘Choose Your Own’ tale titled The Hero of Pendown. Check out how you can contribute, as well as read other amazing entries here.

The vortex energies subside, and you and Eshami immediately assume a defensive posture.

This room apparently houses the extra-dimensional prison hold. Anything could happen in here!

The lights are dim, and there is smoke filling the entire room; you have no idea how big it is, but you surmise that it is large enough to get lost in. “Stay close,” you whisper softly to your companion, who has her hand crossbow drawn.

Eshami spots movement ahead first, and signals you to stop. You thumb the trigger on your sword, and it begins to ooze a black smoke, empowered by your own feelings of anger, hate, and malice. If anything lurks in the smoke, this dark blade might give you the advantage you need.

Finally, a lithe feminine figure comes into view. She looks human, and wears the same kind of uniform as Ketal and Olear. Her face is beady from sweat or tears, and her uniform has a few rips, likely from a fight, though…



Jonathon Sawyer
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

I’m a Canadian writer of short stories; a poet of dubious repute. I experiment with interesting concepts and styles, which is why I head TKL's Monday Mash-Ups