Story arc #1: The Castle of Shadows

Into the Stony Tunnel

A choose your own adventure story


A cave tunnel with rock all around and white light shining at the far end.
Photo by Tony L on Unsplash

This is an ongoing story that starts here.

Want to go back one chapter? Click here for the ‘Mountain Path’ story, or here for ‘Warrior and her Sister’ story.

And please check out this article to find out how you can to contribute to this and other ‘choose your own adventure’ stories in this publication!

There’s no question — Jade is your friend, and your partner. You’ve had your disagreements, sure, but now she needs your help.

You sprint back down the path and then stop near where the goblins dragged her from the path, stones and scree rattling to either side as your feet skid to a halt on the rough surface.

Panting, you scan the cliff ahead of you. The goblins have now disappeared into the cave with Jade. There are several small openings, and you are not entirely sure which one they entered.

Picking up a hand-sized rock to use as a makeshift weapon, you approach more cautiously, listening. Surely Jade will yell out? You thought you could hear further yelling or screaming a minute ago as you were running. But now, there isn’t a sound, apart from the whistling of a breeze against the nearby cliffs.



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.