Fiction | Game | Medium Adventurers League ⚔️

On the Road to Adventure

A starter chapter for a ‘choose your own’ interactive story


Image by the author using Midjourney AI

This is the beginning of a story that works as an interactive game. If you want to make the most of it, have a notepad and dice at the ready! And check out the rules here:

The gates of Westport stand open. Two middle-aged guards watch you as you approach. It’s dawn, and you are ready to set out on the road to adventure.

“Where are you headed, kid?” asks one of the guards, as you step across the threshold.

You give a nervous smile, turn and look to the east, then point to where the Adventurers’ League headquarters can just be made out atop a small cluster of hills, some miles from the city walls.

“The Adventurers’ League? You going for a job sweeping their floors or something?” At this, both of the guards burst out laughing.

You scowl and stride off, trying to dismiss their rude words. So, you’re young, and you’ve…



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.