Story arc #1: The Castle of Shadows

Castle of Shadows, part 1: The Cave

The start of a choose your own adventure story


Photo by Michael Behrens on Unsplash

Please check out this article to find out how you can to contribute to this and other ‘choose your own adventure’ stories.

This is the first starter story of the publication — perhaps you could write a follow-up chapter… or the chapter before! It’s entirely up to you. Have fun!

Your eyes open.

You find yourself in a cave. It must be daytime, because you can see sunshine gleaming in through a gap in the rocks at the far side, but at first you don’t recall how you got in here.

Perhaps you had several beers last night, because your memory is hazy and your head still feels kinda fuzzy.

Then, a clear memory comes back to you. Yes… that was it. You were in a small town near the foot of the mountains when you argued with your close friend Jade about the legend of the Sword of Light.

Okay — you can admit that some bits of the legend (the parts involving werewolves and pixies) are a bit far fetched. Those are probably just stories. But you feel certain that the sword itself is a relic from history, and could be found.



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.