Trouble at the Ballast Tanks

A Hero of Pendown Adventure


Photo by Nathan Duck on Unsplash

You can read the opening of The Hero of Pendown here, a tale started by Jonathon Sawyer. You can also return to read the previous chapter here.

You’re a hero, and it’s time for action.

Ketal, the ghostly Master Servitor that you have met onboard Prison Arc 2–3–7, has told you that the ship has suffered damage, and you need to secure several areas.

“I’ll start with the ballast tanks,” you say, picking the area that sounds most familiar to your experience with ocean-going ships. “After that we can investigate the control room, that matter-stream thingy, and, uh…”

“The engine room,” supplies Eshami.

“Right!” you say, drawing your sword. “Onwards!”

Ahem,” calls out Ketal as you stride away, and you glance around to see him pointing towards the other direction up the corridor. “It’s that way, sir. Big blue door on the left. You can’t miss it.”

“Just where I was about to go,” you reply, turning on your heel.

Eshami falls in alongside you. The row of doors is to your right. As you go, you do notice that each one is a subtly different color. Only a minute or so has passed when you see one that has a vivid…



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.