Vacation roulette | series | choose your own adventure | horror | supernatural

Vacation Roulette — Disappointment

Well that was unexpected!


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There is no way you could bring yourself to kill your partner, not even to save ten people. The more you think about it, the more sure you are. There is no context given. You could be required to be the one to kill your partner, only to find out you’ve ‘saved’ the lives of convicted killers, the elderly, or ten people from a hospice. You briefly feel bad for the comparison, but you’re sure about your answer.

You click ‘no’. Then submit.

A wheel whirls. And whirls. Your partner returns from the kitchen with their cup of tea and looks at the screen.

“What’s going on?” They ask as they peer over your shoulder.

“I don’t know. I answered the question and then hit submit. Now it’s doing this,” you explain as you shrug.

“Weird. What was the question?”

You hesitate. You’re not sure why but you feel like you shouldn’t tell your partner what the question was.

You shrug off the feeling, shaking your head. You and your partner share everything. Why would you keep this…

