Drabble Story Arc #2: Seek and Avenge

Wading for Death

A chapter of a ‘choose your own’ story — drabble edition.


The surface of a deep river with some stones visible in the foreground.
Image generated using Midjourney.

This is a continuation of The Burned Village, a ‘choose your own’ fiction story, “drabble edition,” initially created by JF Danskin. Head back to the previous installment by clicking here, or find out how to contribute by clicking here.

“I’ll do it.” you say, tying a rope around your waist. “You’d better be sure about this.”

“Of course,” Dara takes the other end of the rope with a sly smile. “Don’t you trust me?”

“Good luck!” Bruno and Scruff see you off with a wave and a friendly bark.

Your feet are numbed the moment you step into the cold current. You wade in and dip below the water, making yourself breathe deep.

Instantly, your instincts force your head back above the surface, violently spewing up a lungful of water with a sputtering cough.

Dara watches on, unimpressed. “Well?”

What do you do?

  1. Try again (click here).
  2. Ask Dara for help (click here).
  3. Change your mind and ignore the curse (click here).

Thanks for reading! Find out how you can continue the story by clicking here.

Check out my profile here for more choose-your-own-adventure stories.

