DRABBLE STORY ARC #4: Boundless Luck

What’s the Plan, Snark?

A chapter of a ‘choose your own’ story — drabble edition!


A wolf-man in the forest
Image by the author using MidJourney

This is a continuation of You Are Alive, a Choose Your Own Adventure Story — drabble edition started by Bradan Writes Stories. Find out how to contribute here, or return to the previous chapter, ‘Tidings of Tyrus the Sorcerer’ by JF Danskin.

“Really, you wanna rob this wizard?” you say to Snark and to the gnome.

“If he’s dead, what’s the harm?” Snark muses, with a cryptic smile. “Besides, if we can stop the evil Red Spider gang… But this guy can lead the mission!” He points to the gnome.

“Aye,” says the gnome, “I’ll do it. But aren’t you coming, wolf?”

“I got… media duties,” murmurs Snark evasively. “A documentary — it’s a whole thing. But I’ll be there soon. Why don’t you guys go and get started?”

“Well…” you say.

“Come,” says the gnome. “A rich treasure awaits in the tower.”

Do you…

  1. Go along with the gnome for some treasure hunting (click here).
  2. Wait around with Snark to find out more about this documentary (click here).

Thanks for reading! This is a collaborative…



JF Danskin
Choose Your Own Adventure — Collaboration

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.