Cramming for My Last Performance Review…Ever

Ann Beaudet
Choose Yourself
3 min readJun 11, 2015


When I was eleven, I decorated the landscape with my slogan, BANKSY style.

I wrote it on rocks, tattooed it on my hand, squeaky chalked it on a chalkboard, wrote it with my finger in the sand at the beach, and in the sky with a pretend pen.

I entered teenagehood inked in a pastel rainbow of felt pens.

My slogan?


Why a slogan?

I was excited to go new places without my parents and make decisions on my own for the first time and leave evidence of the experiences everywhere I went.

I was being me.

Over the next thirty years, life seemed to happen to me, and I became too busy for slogans, while pursuing my goals of having it all and doing it all. It felt like I was twisting and turning at full speed through the pathways of a maze in a rat race pace.

I felt disconnected as if I was more of a human doing than a human being.

Five years ago, I stepped back and finally recognized how much time has passed. Both of my parents had passed away, and instead of longing for my independence, I longed to spend an hour with them.

Taking a moment to ponder my life helped connect me to myself and to the spiritual world beyond.

I was back to being me.

I don’t believe death is it. After death, I think I proceed forward to the next stage in my spiritual life.

But first I must pass a performance review.

How do I prepare for this? I can’t change my past, but I can work on creating my future.

But I have some serious cramming to do to develop my character and skills to become the best person I can be. If I don’t ace that performance review I fear being sent to some God-forsaken place, or face an indoctrinated Catholic’s worst nightmare — to suffer in purgatory with all the other sinners for eternity!

By creating my own Hippocratic Oath, like the one doctors take, I outlined all the character traits and skills I need to work on to be my best.

What is my new slogan?


My oath is all about who I become as a person.

It is about being kind, compassionate and forgiving.

Tony Robbins says: “Who you become as a person is the ultimate reward. The goal is about what it makes of me as a human being while pursuing it.”

I feel so relaxed knowing that I am not going to get anywhere in my life’s journey!

The journey is about becoming, not arriving.

It’s about this minute -


I don’t know when my performance review will be, so I am eternally grateful for my blessings today, and the opportunity to live my life to my potential.

The reward is who I become, and I realize that my greatest gift is that:


photo credit: Rainbow



Ann Beaudet
Choose Yourself

Novelist. Author. Speaker— upcoming novel with Prominence Publishing, officialannbeaudet on Facebook, website, IG annbeaudet