How To Contribute

Michael Robert
Choosing Eco
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2020
Photo by Elaine Casap on Unsplash

Choosing Eco was never intended to be a solo project, in fact, it was originally going to be called The ECOllaboration. The idea behind that name, and Choosing Eco in its current form, is a collaborative platform that grows with the help of those who want to help others.

The challenge of making the eco choice is not always as easy as picking up a reusable tote bag when you’re at the grocery store or taking advantage of a municipally run composting service. Sometimes there are harder choices to make like going zero waste, developing a sustainable garden and seed growing process, or figuring out how to run for an elected office that you can make policy decisions in.

Ideally, this site will grow with the knowledge and expertise from those who have successfully found ways to make eco choices and their desire to share that experience and information. That’s where you come in.

If you’re reading this, odds are that you care about this planet and the odds are even greater that you want to do something to continue to improve it. So, help us help to planet. What can you contribute to this site to help it grow?

Do you want to write a guest post on a topic you feel passionate about? Do you know of a company or brand that should be recognized for what they’re doing good? Maybe you know a person who you think deserves to be interviewed and given a spotlight to shine some attention on their good efforts and deeds. Do you want to help continue to build out the website? Do you have graphic design skills? Whatever it is — we want to hear it.

Email and reach out. All ideas will be considered because when we are working to make this planet a place we call home for thousands of more years and beyond — we need to hear every idea.

So, thank you for reading this, thank you for your interest and thank you for doing your part.

This post was originally published on Choosing Eco.



Michael Robert
Choosing Eco

Publisher of The Pop Culture Guide, Choosing Eco, and Tales of a Solopreneur. Editor for Climate Conscious. Writer and communications consultant.