Zero Waste Challenge: Week 22 — Dryer Lint

Michael Robert
Choosing Eco
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2021

What the hell are you supposed to do with dryer lint?

Photo by Jeremy Sallee on Unsplash

This week I completely flaked and forgot to take photos of our containers. However, we did have an extra bag of garbage that was from our laundry room and basement trash over what is probably close to a year since we’ve emptied it.

But it brings the big question up to us — what do you do with dryer lint?! There are a TON of results when you Google if dryer lint is compostable. The majority of the sources say yes, but one study from Tufts University claims otherwise. The reason? Lint from synthetic clothing. Think tights, athletic apparel, etc. Things made with nylon, polyester, and other synthetic fibers. Those are microplastics when shaved off as lint and those wouldn’t break down in compost, they’d just end up in our soil.

So we’re back to the same answer we had before — unknown. In that regard, we aired on the side of caution and the nearly year’s worth of lint ended up in the trash until I feel comfortable learning otherwise. (If you know, please comment and share!)

Here are our totals for the week, rounded up to the nearest 25%. (Now skewed with a small cart)

Trash: 75% (We emptied our laundry/ basement trash that had accumulated for nearly a year)

Organics: 50%

Recycling 1: 0%

Recycling 2: 50%

Extra: None

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Michael Robert
Choosing Eco

Publisher of The Pop Culture Guide, Choosing Eco, and Tales of a Solopreneur. Editor for Climate Conscious. Writer and communications consultant.