Zero Waste Challenge — Week 26: Spring Cleaning

Michael Robert
Choosing Eco
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2021

Decluttering and how to get rid of the clutter once you know what has to go

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

It is that time of the year for cleaning and decluttering! Fittingly, Hennepin County and the Zero Waste coordinators hosted a weekend webinar on exactly this topic.

My wife and I are pretty good about decluttering on a regular basis, but we are not professionals by any means. We’ve got a process, but it falls apart like everyone else when normal day-to-day life stuff intervenes. Having kids also dramatically increases your clutter.

Kids outgrow clothes, toys, books, games… you name it, they outgrow it and need bigger things to move on to. They bring home art, projects from school, papers, etc. and it sure seems like the intake outpaces the output on a regular basis.

Declutter Tips

So how do you combat that? (This is honestly worthy of a much longer post in the near future).

  • Pick a method: “4 box” or FAST Rules or Room by Room or Kon Mari to name a few.
  • Set a goal for yourself, as well as a time frame and adhere to those
  • Expect to be challenged by sentimental items
  • Prevent clutter by thinking before you buy (rent or borrow an item, make mindful purchases, ensure that item has a “home” in your home)

Keeping these ideas in mind during the declutter process will help you succeed and help you not repeat previous intake problems!

Here are our totals for the week, rounded up to the nearest 25%. (Now skewed with a small cart)

Our small waste bags have continued to help us immensely reduce what goes in the trash! Also, the kids have absolutely got the hang of what is waste, what can be recycled, and what can be composted — and best yet — when they don’t know… they ask! YES!

Trash: 25%

Organics: 25%

Recycling 1: 100%

Recycling 2: 0%

Extra: None

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Michael Robert
Choosing Eco

Publisher of The Pop Culture Guide, Choosing Eco, and Tales of a Solopreneur. Editor for Climate Conscious. Writer and communications consultant.