Defending the President

Choosing Our Future
3 min readApr 28, 2020
photo: DJB

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, is back on TV after taking a day and half off. He is trying to reassure the country that things are going to be fine. Almost every time he gets on TV he lets us know that things are already getting better, but soon they will be even better than they are now.

Our economy was one the best that ever was, in the history of the world, and it will be again, as soon as everyone gets back to work. I’m not sure if we have enough testing for the virus, or if we didn’t but we do now, or we always have. But if we don’t, it’s not his fault.

The President tries to make things very clear to the American People: What ever you think is good in your life has come to you because of his efforts. Everyone else is bad. The Democrats are not just bad, they are evil. The Press is bad and they lie. Our old allies around the world are screwing us. It’s good to be friends with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and maybe even North Korea, if his good pal Kim Jung Un doesn’t die.

The trouble is, I don’t believe him. I’ll admit I never was a fan of his, but since he got elected, with a minority of the votes, he has been lying to everyone about everything. Then, if he is challenged or criticized for his lying, he lies about it.

His policies, the few of them that there have been, seem to focus on hurting people. He has taken people’s healthcare away, deported parents of our citizens, kidnaped children and put them in cages, started trade wars that have made everyone suffer, and have had no winners. Deserted our allies on the battlefield. Belittled the honor of all of our armed services…..

I could go on and on. There are many people in this echo chamber who have written thousands of articles about how this man is immoral, vengeful and cruel. The only person who constantly says he admires him is Mike Pence, and a few of others who aren’t ready to get fired.

Still, the polls say that 43% of the country still think he is a great President. I want someone from that group to point out what I am failing to understand. Besides being a fantastic con artist, whose strength is in demeaning and insulting people, why does anyone still support him?

I am willing to be convinced. But I need to read something that is factual and verifiable. I don’t want anything from the Fox News attack mode, especially more lies and conspiracy theories. I am not going to be swayed by anything that implies that rich, straight,White people are more deserving of the rights and privileges of citizenship. I understand, but I am not impressed by the Libertarian stance that people are free to offend, bully, infect, or exploit other people. I don’t even accept the” I’ve got mine, you are free go get yours” mentality, when so many people’s ability to go get theirs has been restricted by those who have theirs already.

So what’s left? How has this angry, vindictive liar made America Great? I don’t think that 43% of Americans are greedy, racist and uncaring. I try to meet as many as I can who are out of my bubble, and many of them indicate that they are, or were, Trump supporters. 85% of them are friendly, kind and gracious folks, who would help me if iI needed it and don’t want to cough virus spores on me.

So why do they support a men who not only lies, he cheats and steals and has spend most of his efforts since he was elected trying to cover that up? His businesses were fraudulent. He did molest and abuse women. He is involved with Russian oligarchs. His taxes probably reveal money laundering. He is taking money illegally from the US Treasury. He and his family have made millions because he is President — which is against the Constitution.

What has he done for you?

Please explain it to me.



Choosing Our Future

I have been mumbling almost incoherently in response to life's problems for a long, long time. Contact me at