Make It STOP! NOW!

Choosing Our Future
5 min readAug 6, 2020

The tide still comes in every day in Cape Cod Bay. You can see it in the picture. In about ten minutes the patch of sand in the distance will be covered with water. Ten minutes after that the sand in the front will be under water also. Almost two hours after that the entire picture will be under two to ten feel of water. Every day this happens right on time. I’ve checked. It happens whether I check or not. It will happen long after I am not here to check it. It will stop happening when Cape Cod gets washed away. That will probably happen sooner than anyone expected.

I don’t expect to stop the tides. I had always thought they were immutable. It is weird to think that after all of these years of watching this water roll in and out, that it has been affected by all of us. They are rising faster because of us. We all make tiny decisions that eventually have very large effects.

Although I can see how the tides are slowly washing Cape Cod away, that does not affect my ever day existence as much as some other current threats. Sadly, the biggest threat to my health and safety is my government, and the President of the United States. He is a direct threat to my health, as he has let this virus run rampant, and I am an older, somewhat compromised person. He is a threat to my safety as he seems to be developing an illegal police force that is beholden to him instead of to our country. Their purpose is to intimidate people like me who disagree with what our President is doing. He is a threat to my ability to gain knowledge to make the best decisions as he directly tries to refute the truth and spread harmful, often hateful, lies. He is a threat to my economic stability as he has created a culture of corruption that favors the very few people who are loyal to him, at the expense of the entire rest of the population. He is a threat to my freedom as he is trying to deny my right to elect the people I would hope to see run the country. He is still reaching out to other countries to help his personal fortunes, and to help get him re-elected. The list goes on. I could fill sixteen more pages.

I am not the only person who is upset. There are many people writing here on Medium about how awful, dangerous and illegal our political situation has become. There are thousands of new groups all around the country that have formed in order to do the work necessary to defeat this crazy man in the November election, no matter how hard he tries to lie, cheat or steal it.

But there are still three months to go. Who knows what deranged, spiteful ideas will pass through Trump’s mind as the election approaches, the virus spreads and the economy falls apart? Will he burn down the post office and the polling places? Will he send out his goons to block the streets and call and emergency? Will he ask his friend Putin to send advisors and soldiers to staff his campaign? Anything is possible. I’m sure Wm. Barr would find a way to call it legal, and the Supreme Court would get to it by next June.

Isn’t this enough? This isn’t politics, this is murder. How many more people have to suffer and die from the virus because this administration only helps it spread? How many people have to suffer with lack of food and shelter because Trump and the Republicans only give the money to the people who donate to their campaigns? How many US soldiers have been killed by people who were paid by the Russian government, with no consequences? How many healthcare workers still don’t have protective gear or the right equipment? How many teachers and students is he ready to sacrifice? Why has he changed US policies 34 times in ways that benefit Russia?

I’m tired of it all. I’m tired of the chaos, the threats and the lies. There is so much more to do done. The world is falling apart, at least as far as humans are concerned; the planet itself will continue to circle the sun whether we are here or not.

But there are elected officials at every level of government (except the Executive Branch), who can make it all stop by next week. Congress can act more forcefully to contain the President. They can pass relief packages. They can confront the President and take away his power. They can bring the head of the USPS in tell him that if they are not prepared for mail-in ballots he will be tried for treason. The money is there. They can take it from DHS. Every individual can also push their representatives to speak truth too power, to ask for evidence, demand that the truth become apparent and lies are not just questioned, they are refuted.

Trump, and his entire administration are corrupt and deceitful, immoral and illegal. He has broken laws, and violated the Constitution every day. He was impeached once, but the Republicans wouldn’t even look at the evidence. It’s time to get the evidence and show it to everyone. His behavior, and the complicity of most Republicans, should not go unpunished. We are a nation of laws. They need to be enforced or it all falls apart.

I am tired of reading, writing and worrying about all of this. None of us should have to be so concerned about our own government, but we are confronted with lies, corruption and cruelty every day. I get upset reading that Dr. Fauci and his family are getting so many death threats.

If nothing changes there will be 230,000 virus deaths before the election. I don’t want to be one of them. I need a government that protects me, and everyone else in the country. We all need it NOW!



Choosing Our Future

I have been mumbling almost incoherently in response to life's problems for a long, long time. Contact me at