Steps Toward Reemerging

Another in an unnumbered series

Choosing Our Future



Life is gettin busy, which is a good thing, but I’m finding it a bit confusing. I am trying, as this blog says, to choose my future, and I find I am faced with many choices. That is also good. The choices, while interesting, are of overwhelmingly small significance. But, as long as I find them mostly interesting, then it’s good. What makes it better is that as I move slowly into the later stages of middle age, I am finding that many more things amaze and amuse me. Whether I can do anything about them or not still bothers me, but they bother me less than before. I find technology, science, and nature amazing. I find people amusing, sometimes really comical. I realize that few of them are trying to be funny, so I try not to be offensive.

Yesterday was another sparkling New England spring day. My wife decided we should get outside and play golf. Fine, let’s do it. We played four times last year, mostly due to COVID. For the last ten years we played about a dozen times a year. I started playing golf when I was sixty because it was the one sport my wife will still would do, and several of my friends decided that retirement meant golf, just like it did for their fathers. On a scale from one to ten, ranking the ways I would like to spend time, golf is a five. On a beautiful day it goes to a six. Before I had cancer I had become a…



Choosing Our Future

I have been mumbling almost incoherently in response to life's problems for a long, long time. Contact me at