How to Estimate Web Development Project — What You Should Know
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9 min readJan 4, 2024

Whether you are planning to launch your first business website to create more outreach or are an experienced marketer planning a rebranding campaign, eventually you will stumble upon the dilemma of how to receive a reliable web development estimation and, consequently, budget for it. Without an idea of what the current market offers, it will most certainly be hard to find a direct answer to this question. A simple Google search on “How much should a WordPress site cost me?” will come back with a response that a web development project in this technology can cost you between $50 and $115,000. Not overly helpful, to say the least.

In this article, we would like to demystify these huge discrepancies in numbers and shed a little more light on the crucial matter of what you are paying for and how you, as a client, can influence those figures by taking the right approach and making informed decisions.

Why is it Difficult to Estimate Web Development Costs?

Before we take a deep dive into key components that make up the typical estimation, it’s important to mention that estimating website development costs can be a challenging task due to several factors. Some of the reasons that make it difficult to estimate website development costs include:

  • Complexity of the project: Web development projects can range from simple static websites to complex web applications with multiple features and integrations. The more complex the project, the harder it is to estimate the costs accurately.
  • Unclear project requirements: In many cases, clients may not have a clear understanding of their project requirements, making it difficult for developers to provide an accurate estimate. While the advisory role of the party providing the estimate plays a crucial part in mitigating this problem, the proactive involvement of the client will always be beneficial in clarifying the guidelines for more accurate estimations.
  • Changing project scope: As the project progresses, new requirements or changes in existing requirements may arise, affecting the initial cost estimation. Here the client is faced with the classic dilemma, of whether to perfect the final product or stick to the initial budget, even if that means resigning from some of the newfound ideas in favour of the more manageable scope.
  • Unforeseen technical challenges: During the development process, developers may encounter unexpected technical challenges that can impact the project timeline and costs. It is the unfortunate truth about the nature of software development, that one client has to understand and be aware of. Even if a company provides you a ‘fixed-price’ estimate, to protect the client from such unfortunate events, you can almost always be sure they already factored that buffer into the price.

Key Factors Affecting the Cost of Web Development

Without further delay, we can finally move on to the main cost factors affecting development costs in web development projects. As it was already mentioned, understanding them is crucial for both clients and developers to set realistic expectations and manage budgets effectively.

  1. The Role of Website Type in Cost Estimation

The website type plays a significant role in determining the overall cost of a web development project. Different types of websites have varying levels of complexity, features, and functionality, which directly impact the development cost. Some common website types and their cost implications include:

  • Static websites: These are simple websites with fixed content and minimal interactivity. They are relatively inexpensive to develop and maintain.
  • Dynamic websites: These websites have more complex functionality, such as user authentication, content management systems, and database integration. As a result, they are more expensive to develop and maintain.
  • E-commerce websites: These websites require advanced features like product catalogs, shopping carts, and payment gateways, making them more costly to develop and maintain.
  • Web applications: These are complex websites with custom functionality and user interactions, such as social networks or project management tools. They typically have the highest development costs.
  1. How the choice of the platform influences cost?

Choosing an appropriate development stack and an aligned platform is another crucial factor that affects the cost of web development projects. The development stack refers to the combination of programming languages, frameworks, and tools used to build a website, while platform usually means a type of content management system (CMS) that is going to be used to manage the backend in the projects where it is not developed custom. The type of development stack and chosen platform can have a significant impact on the overall cost of the project, as they can vary greatly in terms of complexity, learning curves, and development speed.

Some of the most popular content management systems include: WordPress, Strapi, Webflow, Wix, Drupal, Shopify and many many more. They vary in terms of utilized technology and available features and should always be weighed against the actual project.

Our personal favorite for websites still goes to WordPress — the undefeated champion in its category that, thanks to its vast offer of functionalities coupled with intuitive and easy-to-use management, continues to monopolize the world wide web with an astounding 43% of the websites being coded in this technology.

  1. Is design a big part of web development estimation?

Design costs can encompass a significant portion of the overall expenses, as its nature and complexity are going to be reflected in the time necessary for its implementation, therefore directly influencing the final project budget. Here are some key factors that contribute to the cost of website design:

  • Complexity of Design: The more complex and intricate the design, the higher the costs. Custom designs with unique layouts, graphics, and interactions will generally be more expensive than simpler, template-based designs.
  • Number of Pages: The more unique pages your website has, the more design work is involved. Each page needs to be visually consistent with the overall design theme, whilst not invoking the feeling of boredom and repetitiveness.
  • Responsive Design: Ensuring that the website looks good and functions well on various devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones) adds to the complexity of design and may increase costs. A good developer knows how to create additional mobile breakpoints if only the desktop design is provided, which is usually the cheaper option overall. Nonetheless, some of the more complex and UX-centric designs will still require a separate mobile development.
  • Graphic Elements: The inclusion of custom graphics, icons, illustrations, and other visual elements can contribute to design costs. High-quality, personalized graphics often require additional design work. This is especially true when it comes to the animations — most of the pages rely on libraries for the basic and clean feeling of movement. However, if the website’s objective is to create a truly unique impact on the user this can easily be achieve by the right custom-designed effects. On the other hand, this will take even more time to develop within the code and can racket the cost quite significantly.
  • Revision and Iteration: More revisions or changes to the initial design may increase the overall expense. That is why it is so important for a client to clearly and constantly communicate their feedback each and every step of the way, so that the design phase proceeds smoothly and doesn’t result in costly delays.
  1. The impact of project scope on web development costs

The project scope is another critical factor that affects the cost of web development projects. A well-defined project scope outlines the specific features, functionality, and requirements of the website, allowing developers to estimate the time and resources needed accurately. However, changes in project scope or so-called ‘scope creep’ can lead to increased costs and delays in the project delivery. To minimize the impact of scope creep on web development costs, it is essential to:

  • Clearly define project requirements and expectations from the outset.
  • Establish a change management process to handle scope changes effectively.
  • Regularly review and update the project scope to ensure it remains aligned with the project goals and objectives.
  1. How does the modular approach to website development play in decreasing overall cost?
  2. A modular approach in website development involves breaking down the overall system into smaller, independent, and reusable modules or components. Each module serves a specific function and can be developed, tested, and maintained independently. It offers several advantages, including improved maintainability, scalability, and reusability of code.
    When it comes to the estimation of web development projects it will play a crucial role as it will help in discerning how many unique elements will need to be developed instead of estimating the pages separately one-by-one. This will reduce the overall cost and increase the accuracy of the final estimation.
  3. What about the impact of 3rd party integrations on the web development cost?
  4. Integrating third-party tools, such as payment gateways, analytics platforms, social media plugins, or CRM systems, can add complexity to the development process.

Developers need to understand the APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) of the third-party tools, configure settings, and ensure seamless communication between the website and external services. That is why more popular (and well-documented) solutions are usually going to be faster and easier to implement, as compared to their more obscure counterparts.

  1. Accounting for SEO optimization and reaching accessibility guidelines for website development
  2. Implementing SEO best practices can impact development time, especially if there is a need for extensive keyword research, on-page optimization, or the integration of SEO plugins.

Developers may need to optimize website structure, meta tags, headings, image alt attributes, and ensure proper HTML markup. SEO-friendly URLs and sitemaps also need attention, not to mention coordinating with content creators and ensuring that the content is optimized for search engines, which will also affect the overall timeline.

Moreover, ensuring compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) adds an additional layer of consideration to the development process.

Web Developers need to implement accessible design, consider screen reader compatibility, provide alternative text for images, ensure proper contrast ratios, and follow other demanding WCAG guidelines.

Depending on the desired level of accessibility (A-AAA) it can extend the additional development time (and cost) from couple to even a few hundred hours.

  1. Factoring in Ongoing Maintenance Costs and Website Marketing Costs

Beyond the initial development costs, it’s essential to consider the ongoing maintenance costs and website marketing costs when estimating the total expense of a custom web development project. These costs can include:

  • Hosting and domain fees: Recurring costs for hosting the website and maintaining the domain name.
  • Security updates: Regular updates to ensure the website remains secure and compliant with industry standards.
  • Content migration and updates: Ongoing costs for updating and managing website content, including text, images, and multimedia.
    Moreover, if the old content needs to be migrated it will usually have to be planned out and itemized separately.
  • Technical support: Costs for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues that may arise.
  • Marketing and promotion: Costs for promoting the website through various channels, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and paid advertising.

Even if they are not a part of the core offer, by factoring in ongoing maintenance and marketing costs you can gain a more accurate understanding of the total custom web development cost and make informed decisions about your project budget.

Finally, some practical tips on how to estimate web development

There are several strategies you can implement to avoid scope creep such as emphasizing the importance of communication and negotiation in cost estimation and leveraging modular development and code reusability to reduce costs.

  • How to avoid scope creep in web development projects?

Scope creep refers to the uncontrolled expansion of a project’s scope, which can lead to increased costs and delays. To avoid scope creep in web development projects, consider the following strategies:

  • Define clear project objectives: Establish a well-defined project scope, including specific goals, deliverables, and timelines.
  • Involve stakeholders: Engage all relevant stakeholders in the planning process to ensure their needs and expectations are considered.
  • Implement change control processes: Establish a formal process for reviewing and approving changes to the project scope, including assessing the impact on cost and timeline.
  • Monitor project progress: Regularly review project progress and compare it to the initial scope to identify potential scope creep early.

By implementing these strategies, you can minimize the impact of scope creep on your web development project’s final cost and timeline.


Custom web development project estimation is always the result of combining number of various technical and non-technical factors. The answer of a final figure is never as straightforward as the pricing for a ready-made theme nor should it be, as it is tailored to one specific client and reflects the unique qualities of the brand it represents, without the restrictions of the generic out-of-the-box solution. For established brands, it’s a must-have approach. Going custom creates so much more possibilities in terms of personalizing your product and message, but going this route should come with awareness that each shift in the original concept could potentially reflect on the final timeline and estimated cost.

Choosing the right development team, will ensure you are thoroughly guided through this seemingly daunting task, using their knowledge and experience to your advantage, to make informed decisions that answer your budget — and most importantly — your business goals.

So, are you ready to take a plunge and let us help your web development project reach it full potential? Contact us and get a free estimate!



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