Chainlink 2.0 — Super-Linear Staking Economics Explained

Xavier Meegan
Chorus One
Published in
10 min readMay 11, 2021


Chainlink 2.0 — The Decentralised Finance (DeFi) Metalayer

The Chainlink 2.0 whitepaper was published on April 15th. Chainlink 2.0 aims to create a decentralised metalayer through hybrid smart contracts by having a large number of oracle networks serve users on an individual basis. The end goal of this, would be to have smart contracts interact with multiple oracles, just as users interact with multiple APIs in web2 today. In essence, Chainlink wants to take as much load off of smart contracts as possible. The DeFi metalayer will look something like an off-chain outcomes data factory. Large amounts of data will flow into Chainlink oracle networks and there will be large amounts of nodes offering more specialised services to report on complex values that DeFi smart contracts will call for. Developers will have the flexibility to pick and choose what oracles they need, which in turns allows them to simplify their smart contract code.

The role of nodes in Chainlink and how they can be exploited

The way Chainlink generates one standardised value to send to a smart contract is by aggregating all values it receives from individual nodes for a given variable. A service level agreement (SLA) normally defines how much an…

